This weekend was supposed to be spent at a Bed and Breakfast. It was all planned out. We booked the room, found wonderful friends to take care of our kids and Justin took the day off. But that wasn't the way the Lord had our weekend planned. Owen got sick. Strep. It has been a very difficult week leading up to today. We tried everything we could to help him get over the hurdle or being sick with a fever and aches...but we couldn't shake it.
So we went to Dr. Haynes today. (side note-we LOVE this pediatrician -wholly recommend her if you are needing one). We knew Owen probably had strep since his breath was horrible yesterday. Then this morning he tried to eat his cereal and couldn't, His throat was swollen and instead choked on his Cheerios. So we went in at 8:20 and after the exam, without even a test, Dr. Haynes said FOR SURE he had step. And gave us a prescription.
Our plan to get away for the weekend will have to wait. God has the plan for us of taking care of our kiddos instead. Which is a privileged and a blessing. It is hard, yes. And I won't lie, I have had some tears just letting go of my plans. But through it all God has brought me peace. Sometimes this is what motherhood/fatherhood is all about. It is about serving, loving and helping our kids learn how to live in this sickness or health-it's all about Him. And I am thankful that He has not left me where I was/am, but instead continues to refine me. I look back and see a better mommy/wife because of what He has brought into our lives.
This song came out of lips yesterday as I was putting Katie down for the night. (who thankfully has slept well and so far and Lord willing, will not get anything). I haven't sung it for a while, though we did a lot in college. It has become my prayer for the past few hours. Thankful that I can trust in a God that has NEVER let me down. Who has been faithful to bring about His goodness in my life and refined me to be more patient/loving/understanding/gracefilled... and I desperately longs for Him to rule my life in all things. Thankfully, He is writing the story of my life-who knows ALL things-and that allows me to trust Him daily.
Oh and we were able to give our booked room to some friends who I am sure will enjoy time away!
Thankful for Ms. Beth who came and took Katie to the Science museum with her boys today and brought us dinner too.
And wouldn't trade others that have faithful listened to us work through this season in our life. Grateful.