Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday Night Football

Friday night football is great. Honestly, that is one thing that will be fun when the kids make it to high school. :) And if we were in Lawrence we wouldn't miss one of Uncle Drews games! It's his senior year! We check the ljworld every saturday morning to see what happened in the game. We are with the Lawrence Lions in spirit! 

It's also fun to hear the announcer as we miss hearing my dad call the game from the booth up top. He's been the announcer in Eudora since we were in school-that's a long time!!

One last thing-Owen was listening to the star spangled banner. We asked him to put his hand over his heart or where his pocket is on his shirt. He quickly put his hand in his shorts pockets. Then after we helped him put it over his heart, he put it in his shirt pocket. Finally he placed his hand correctly! So sweet. :)


You are amazing!  Thanks for trying on this fun jacket & hat while we were shopping for a new 'first day' shirt for Katie.  You look good, dude!  Love you little man.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Wordless Wednesday, Cousins

Dancing cousins
We Love you, Pax!
You don't fit quite like Katie's baby dolls, do you?!  :)
We LOVE you, Silas!

A Weeks Worth of Work

Katie has LOVED school!!  I don't think there is a day that has gone by and you haven't been excited to hug Mrs. Streit and see Daisy-your new buddy. :) And we are thankful for this weeks worth of work-I mean the board if full of your work.  You have learned lots and have taken your time doing your work.  Both of which we have prayed about and God is already helping you!  It is also wonderful that you got a congratulations certificate for listening in class.  We are proud of you! We have prayed about that as well and we are so thankful you are focusing and enjoying school!  
Double love you too!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Katie's First Day of Kindergarten

It was a success.  You loved it!  The first thing you told us was that you couldn't wait for tomorrow to go back to school.  You said you have the best teachers in the whole wide world.  :)  A few things from today.  You love sitting next to your new friend, Daisy, that we have played with a few times this summer. Your favorite subject today was music and you enjoyed bringing in your stuffed bunny, Libby, for show n tell.  You had a yummy quesadilla for lunch with some cucumbers (you requested at least 10 slices of cucumbers tomorrow because you love them), powerberries and trail mix.

School starts at 9:30 each day and ends at 1:30.  We are so thankful for only a 1/2 day Kindergarten. I am thankful to get to pick you up and still allow you some time to play and run off your energy.  Daddy will also be picking you up one or two afternoons which has excited you a lot.  After you got home today, you and Owen even played in your rooms together for two hours!  I think that shows how close your relationship is and hopefully it will grow better be in every season.

Great job big girl at your first day!  We hope you love school, make some wonderful friends, grow in your understanding of God and make special memories throughout these next 180 days.

PS.  Katie, we tried a new product in your hair last night that made it silky soft.  Unfortunately, it was too soft and your curls didn't hold.  I'll do better at helping you do your hair tomorrow! :)

Good Morning!
There's nothing better then milk and bubble bread for breakfast!

 Your first kindergarten friend, Daisy.

 Owen sure is proud of you, his big sister!
 You and Mrs. Streit
 You and Mrs. Ferrell
 Getting started on your morning work.

 Happy first day sweet girl!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Its Official, Katie is Starting Kindergarten!


Wow!  You are starting Kindergarten at Bayleaf Baptist Church tomorrow.  Honestly, there has been some long days and nights (like when you weren't sleeping as a baby, toddler and later :), but the years have flown by-you are six years old!  You are extremely excited-like jumping up and down, dancing and singing today in anticipation-to start and have been counting down the days until September 3rd.

As your daddy was putting you down tonight he came into the bathroom to check on your teeth brushing and noticed you had pulled out the floss.  Why the floss, Daddy asked? Your answer was that as you start kindergarten you should also start to floss.  :)  You also told Daddy that you were thankful I had made your a morning schedule so that you wouldn't move a 'slow pokey pace'.  And if you moved at this 'slow pokey pace' you would certainly be late for school, you said.  The highlight of your schedule is that you still have some time to play with Owen before we leave for school.  Your Daddy and I love that you two are such great buddies!

Katie, we love you like crazy and honestly are a bit sad you are starting school. The sadness comes because we know you are growing up! But ultimately we know this is the best thing for you!  We have prayed and prayed for your schooling and that Mrs. Streit and Mrs. Ferrell will be wonderful teachers for you. You will be in a great setting with 14 other kids with the premise of learning about God, His Glory and His love.  I know for sure that your teachers love Jesus, they have been praying about you and that they love you too!

We LOVE you Katie Grace and can't wait to see how the year turns out!  We are praying that you will have a learners heart and listening ears, that you will persevere when things are difficult, that will be work hard and try your best and that you will have a fantastic/fun time learning all your subjects!  You will do great in class, HUGS and KISSES!

Daddy, Momma and Owen