Friday, March 30, 2012


I should be leaving the house in 10 minutes and instead I am blogging about my morning, just so I don't forget.  I don't want to forget these times.  :)

spilled MY berry smoothie on the white/spring table runner....ahhhhh!

katie spilled her cereal on the floor 2 minutes later

owen spilled (or dumped) his cereal on the floor 1 minute later

katie told owen that he looked nice 'dude'.  owen responded that I am not 'dude', but owen.  -they repeated this over and over about 5 times.

katie is getting changed into clothes in the bathroom because she wants a tiny bit of privacy.  and I can hear her talking to her imaginary friends about what they are wearing today and how much fun we are going to have at Farm Day at NCSU.

owen just ate the rest of the dry granola out of the bag and...hum.....there is a mess everywhere.

I guess it is just one of those mornings!

But I did get up early and I am dressed with my hair done before the kids woke up.
I DID make smoothies for everyone and got Justin his before he ran out the door for an 8:00 meeting.
It is a BEAUTIFUL morning/day before us AND we get to spend it with some friends

Thankful to be walking THIS path the LORD has graciously put before me.  :)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The weather has been SO nice-so it's a wordless wednesday

easily influenced

Owen just told us he didn't like his smoothie.

Katie said she loved has pineapple in it!

Owen changed his mind-I love it Mommy, yummmmm!

-all within 10 seconds.  :)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

a good buy ages 2+

This creative puzzle for little kiddos is great (in my opinion :)!  It has three parts-putting together the train, adding the correct tops by matching the animals and finally filling in the shapes/numbers.  If you are looking for a gift for a little on ages 2+ this could be it!  
Thanks Gramma, Owen loves it!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

tears in my eyes

 Katie got a new outfit from a outlet sale, she wanted her hair 'curly' from braids and as we were getting ready to leave for church I snapped these photos.  I seriously, got tears in my eyes as she seemed so grown up!  It is true, time is flying by...
Love this almost 5 year old!
 And Owen not to be left out jumped in the in fun. :)

watching 4 squirrels

 Owen. Katie. Isaac. Ann.
all squirrels
cute as a bug in a rug
Derek and Katie.
Best switching back and forth babysitters ever.

Thankful for our friendship with this family since college (whew-thats has been over 10 years ago!)...and thankful to have a date every other week or so!  
D and K, you two are awesome!

Friday, March 23, 2012

The Mountains

We spent last weekend in the mountains at Lake Lure NC.  Our desire in going was to just be a family, to have time to think about life and our priorities and to try and process the past 9 months.  It was a welcomed break for all! The weather was beautiful, the cabin clean and well appointed and the views (especially on the drive) were amazing!
Be ware-there are A LOT of photos.   
Our little teddy bear...

Loving the huge tub!
The kids favorite thing was trying out the bunk beds.  It was their first time in a room together AND on bunk beds.  They LOVED it.  Katie slept on top and O on the bottom.  Honestly, Justin or I were up at least a few times each night, but it was worth the joy they had.  :)
We walked around downtown historic Hendersonville.  What a cute town!  This was Katie's favorite shop...a knock off American Doll Store.  :)
And this was O's favorite spot-cranes, trains and other construction models!

The kids got to watch, Cars and Toy Story 1 and LOVED it!

We took a few walks down to the lake-threw some rocks and found some neat sticks!

One can see we don't trust Owen to stay out of the stream.  :)  
I tried slowing down my shutter speed for this mini water fall...It sorta worked.
Katie found some mountain wild flowers that she just had to have.  Then she rained tears of sorrow when they didn't make it in her vase of water.  :(  We were amazed at how sad she was when they wilted. She said she loved the color they brought to her hands!
happy, Happy, HAPPY to be outside!

Our cabin!

Pretty good for self timer!

 K's silly face-always a tongue and squinty eyes...

  O's silly face...knuckles around his mouth...

 And to round out our trip the last few are Katie's photographs. :)

 *We both took this one together... :)
Yes...the mountains allow us to stand in awe of the bigness of creation.  To know that everything is held together by a God that intimately knows each part.  And to know that He is holding us on our journey of life.
Thankful for the blessing to travel.