Sunday, March 11, 2012

Katie's 'helping' us with our fashion.

Katie has recently gotten an opinion about the clothes that Justin and I wear.
For instance, she picked out the clothes we were to wear today to Church.  We did negotiate a bit, but she did a fairly good job.  :)

A few days ago, Justin got me a pair of boots as a gift to which she responded, "I don't know Mom, they just don't seem like you."  And I sent them back.  Yep, I agreed with her.  :)  I can say that that was the direction I was leaning.  I LOVED them...comfy and the right size etc, but I am just not a boots gal.  I prefer my flats or flip flops.  But to those that wear boots, you all do a great job and I think your abilities to do current modest fashion challenges me to keep clothes that look cute, but me!

Then as Justin and Katie were leaving for their hiking date this afternoon, Katie burst out laughing as Justin came around the corner in his outfit.  "Dad, you can't wear that for hiking!  Your belt and shorts look like an old person."  What?!  That definitely got Justin and I chuckling.

I wonder what she will say in another 4 years....  :)  I can say that I need to start praying more for humility and a learners heart from our kids-even in this world of clothes!  ...and for ways to teach them how to be kind with their word about our clothes!

What a observant and opinionated 4 1/2 year old we have.  But still love her like crazy!

1 comment:

Dustin, Jessa, Paxton said...

Miss Katie, Aunt Pie needs some fashion help!

Love you, Aunt Pie