Friday, August 31, 2012

When Tickling is Your Point of Reference

Katie looked at me as only she can do this morning and renewed her cuteness status for yet another day. With a sheepish grin and slight shrug of her torso she gathered her thoughts and admitted, "Daddy, Owen is just like you...he's so silly!" And with nary a pause she completed her thought by adding, "And I'm so like my mommy!" I was compelled, I had to inquire, "In what way are you like your mommy?" (to be sure, I see a thousand ways she's just like her mommy, and I could count them...) Her face grew more serious as she responded almost indignantly and with a look that I'm sure I'll see many times more on her face, isn't it obvious, "because you tickle both of us girls." Amazing that identity can be found is such simple things. Amazing that she can feel/be "so"like her mommy and treasured by her daddy by just a few silly moments playing on the living room rug.

Father, help me to see simply where I need to see simply and dive deeper where they need me to for their sake! And if tickling can infer so much, teach me how to use it for your glory!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Just Like Daddy

Justin put Owen down for bed tonight and this is what he told Daddy.

-Daddy, your hair is flipping out (pointing to his cowlick). You need to have Mommy cut it.  Daddy, it's just like mine...we match!

:) These days, I love how all Owen wants to do is be like his Daddy.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Our Olympians

 Owen did some running events and Katie cycled in 'our' Olympics.  They wore their bib numbers down the greenway and I am sure received golds in their events. :)
And again the long socks made their way into uniform-Katie said she must wear tall socks because that is the way real athletes compete

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Wrapping the Fairy Tale Wedding Up

 Keeshawn (sp??) and Owen :)
a few outtakes with my siblings...

 (photo from fb)

 And this is something we will be praying...that you two do come together as one flesh quickly and lovingly, that you have a joyful marriage, that you push into each other, that when refinement and struggle come your marriage stands firm and that there are plenty of moments that are fairy tale like.  
Love you Mr. & Mrs. Dulan

Monday, August 20, 2012

French Kids Eat Everything

This book posted on 100 Days of Real Food sounds like a good read.  Anyone else want to read it with me?  I love seeing how other cultures view food, how it shapes our table, and how it shapes us as people!


Our kids danced and danced and danced and danced the night away.  
They finally fell into bed at 11pm.
But every step they took was worth it.  They had practiced at home numerous hours and now it was time to boogie.
We are still talking about the music, new dance steps and the tons and tons and tons of fun they had.
They even thought that Aunt Brandi had one song, two hours long, played for them. (little did they know that the DJ blended one song into another.  :)
To K and O it is 'their' song.
So imagine this song playing for two hours....they. did. not. stop.
Party Rock Anthem.

And yes, this post is all about our two littles and their moves!

 Raise that leg and jump, O!

 Hi cutie did some great dance crawling!

 You spin, Princess!


 Move those hands and feet!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Mr. & Mrs. Silas Dulan III

It's GO day!  
All hands on deck...lets have a wedding!

 such pretty toes!
 hummm....  :)

 Getting Lunch at Crown Center.
 And now....getting dressed!

 Hi Alex!  (This is a cousin that Katie LOVES :).  Since we attended a KU football game last year and Alex was there, Katie thinks this is her college girl to be with.  Thanks A for loving our K!
 Got a piece of gum from Jessica...and chewing it like crazy.
 B-your flowers were exactly like you wanted them...almost peonie looking-beautiful!
 Dorian and Morgan...Morgan is also somebody that Katie super loves to hang with too! (D-you too :)
 taking a snack break...
 Almost ready!
 Beautiful bride!
Love the man walking her down the aisle too.  :)
A fantastic photo-saying, "I Do".
(Source: Dustin Stellar Photography both top and bottom photos.)
And now the rush to set up the this helper.
My family was here to celebrate with Brandi too.  Hey there Cuz! 
 Now...for some family photos!

 This photo bums me out...I didn't switch lenses on my camera and cut out three important people-sorry!!  I am going to order the family shot from the photographer for realz!


We could hardly hold them back as they waited to dance the night away!

 Now presenting, Mr. & Mrs. Silas Dulan III!
And the two fairly princesses wore sparkly TOMS for dancing....
...more to come as the party continues :)