Thursday, August 1, 2019

A Magical World Around Them

Do you feel it too? Do you feel the invisible pull? In the world of learning we are pulled, pushed, thrown and cajoled in many directions.  The questions, statements and gurus are plentiful. What about this curriculum, what about this idea, where does currosity fit, what about Classical, what about STEM, what if I don't want to teach that, how do I teach this. They questions we are seeking to answer as a parent are endless.

But what I am learning is this.  Just like an adult, children have to learn how to learn.  They have to learn about themselves.  They have to learn about the world around them.  They need to learn about the God who created them.  Those three questions are at the foundation of a person.

(Curriculum is second to what is natually all around us. Who cares if they know their grammar roots if they never want to share their throughts thought writing. But what if God has a story for them to share, how will they do it? Who cares if they never want to know what a synoposis is if they never want to learn to read. But what if they have an interest and the world opens up through books?  Who cares if they never learn their math facts if they see math as stupid.  But what if they want to be at NASA?)

We have to teach and learn ourselves. This comes hard to retrofit as an adult. We have to go backwards to our childhood. We have to unlearn what we have been doing for decades. We have to be like a child. How do we do this?  By first being quiet and hearing what we have been given an inkling of interest, of passion, of strength about. We start with asking, what questions am I asking?  What motivates us to get up each morning, what questions are pressing on our minds, where does my mind wander if I have five seconds of time, what is my body telling me, what is my favorite food or chair or friend or book or a million other questions.

If the goal of learning/education is to teach/train young ones how to grow up and be adults.  How to are learn to think and act rightly is the foundation. They are images of their Creator.  How do you live as an image bearer? After all adulting is most of your life, childhood is just a fleeting balloon which only comes once. We should then pay close attention to what drives our children.  We should spend the time to learn what drives us. Raising our children is not the end goal, living a life well lived is the end goal. To hear, "well done, good and faithful servant", is the end goal. How do we teach and train and parent in light of our end goal?

A child who becomes an adult has "18" years to get ready and then about 62 years to work it out. They have a lifetime to learn. But what are the things then that should happen in those 18 years?

Below are 12, a dozen ideas which learning, education, childhood (and I contend adulthood as well) should consistet of.

Learn how to be a learner. Thats it.  

1. They should learn to pursue wisdom.
2. They should learn to ask good questions.
3. They should learn to start with the vocabulary of any new interest.
4. They should learn to fan curosity,
5. They should READ
6. They should learn to listen to themselves, their God and everything around them.
7. They should learn to learn from their failures and their try, learn, try mantra.
8. They should learn to take risks in their learning.
9. They should learn to think, feel and act.
10. They should find a master or mentor to help them in their learning.
11. They should practice, practice, practice whatever their hands find to do.
12. Finally they should learn to work hard.

12 things which sound so easy, but as adults we are more moved to keep the status quo then to do some of the above. These challenge me. These push me into deep waters and I have to learn to depend up God. We don't push ourselves on these things and model them, but we do know deep down these, and probably others, lead to joy in the journey. They give our small protagionist. They keep us humble and therefore teachable.  They teach us character and yet push us onward towards growth. The things don't happen all at once. They are statements which drive different parts of our days and years.

I inentionally chose the word, "should", in the statements because I do believe we should be doing these.  They are not biblical mandates, but I could write passages of scriptures which support each of them.

So if nothing else is taught, but the interests of a child are taken seriously coupled with the above 12 statements, children will be successful and able to guild their learning. They will learn what we put out in front of them as well as what they see all around them. They won't settle for a ho-hum workbook. They will instead be pulled along by amazingly magical world all around them.  After all, there is so much to still explore.

Sing a Song of Seasons

The seasons are changing again. The school books are calling. The schedule is filling up as the swimming pool closes and the fields/gyms/school doors open back up.  Volleyball and Baseball will once again find places in our calendar and the dailys of math, writing and reading will take their place at our table.  I know the seasons don't change as abruptly as I am writing.  They slowly give way to fall from summer.  Right now the weather is still hot, sticky and full of fireflies. The apples won't be ready to pick (at least our favorites) for another month or two. But change is coming yet again.  I've learned a lot about myself in change.  I'm one that seeks it and loves the adventure of it, but the thinking and planning a new one slows me down. It causes me to think and then rethink what and how to do it well. And with these change comes many new decisions. And in the world of decisions, where many directions can be good, I find I can do this for only so long before I get stuck in a circular pattern of thoughts.  I start to think, what is the best answer and not simply, what is the next good thing. And if this happens, I stop moving.  And if I stop moving it is so hard to get moving again.  So I'm declaring it out loud- I'll embrace this change of seasons.  I'll keep seeking the Lord and asking Him to help me make decisions.  I'll hold my hands open so He can direct my path...after all the old saying-It's easier to steer a ship if it's moving-holds true for me. It won't be easy, I know that.  Even at 41, the ability to walk the road Jesus has for me challenges me deep in my soul.  I used to think it would get easier, but now I know it won't.  The enemy has it out for me.  He is seeking someone/something to devour and He wants to see my downfall.  But with the always present help of the Lord-"I need thee every hour"-I will overcome, is a foundational truth. I'll rest on this truth.
So the season changes once again. Help me, Lord, to keep moving. Help me to not be overwhelmed. Help me to hear from you clearly. Keep me humble and dependent upon you. Help me to sing this new song of this changing season.