Friday, December 31, 2010

Super visit with superb friends!

Look who came to visit!! Yay, it was the Carsons! :) They were in WF for Hugh to be ordained and we got a play date in. YES! Yes! yes!
Do you think that Katie missed Laney? They played about everything Katie could think of, including dress up. They did have a few disagreements, especially when their siblings tried to join them, but what sweet friends.
It was SO much fun to catch up with Hollie and hear about their move to SC. They are going to do great things for Jesus there as they seek to lead a church and make their house a home. I LOVED hearing about what they were up too.....and to top it all off, Hollie pointed me to a new website on 'how to build' just about everything...especially Pottery Barn style stuff! --check it out, Ana White with Knock off wood-she gives plans and a very detailed description so you can do it!
I can't believe that Justin and I met the Carsons before we each had there are 4 kiddos!
It was WONDERFUL to have you all here to play. We very much appreciate your friendship!!!
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Snow Snow Snow Snow

We loved the snow that fell on Christmas night. It blanked our city and brought a sense of peace to the neighborhood. All of us loved being out in the fluff!
I did put the wrong lens on our camera and because the snow was so bright I didn't get great shots. But you get the point...we had fun!
Daddy pulled K and O on the boogie board down the driveway and this make sift sled worked great!

(switched lens, much better!...but by now it was getting dark...)

Owen LOVED sledding!
Katie attempting to make a snow angel
Making a snowman
Katie destroying the she is throwing the snowman's head!
Daddy and his girl!
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Playing in boxes

Boxes! How can a simple cardboard box be so entertaining? But it is! Where are the kiddos?
They played in this box until it fell apart...
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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

To My Love and Katie & Owen's Daddy

I Love you. I have since I was 16 years old. I thought you were the handsomest highschooler in Eudora. Of course our first date to Little Women was perfect, especially since you rested your ball cap on my knee. :) And to set the record straight, I believe that you were the one to start the war of throwing soda. Yes, you threw the soda on me first! I had to get even and I threw my whole cup of Dr. Pepper on you after that basketball game. :)
We've had many many precious moments. I know we are blessed to be best friends and that we enjoy so many of the same things. We don't argue much at all, even though we had our differences like with chores, decorating style stuff, or with a budget area or two. :) And we've been through a lot, numerous surgeries, two births, 7 houses, sleepless nights with babies/kids, 7 sweet college girls, a handful of jobs, high school-basketball, baseball/softball, volleyball, CC, football, college- ADPI, Navigators, Seminary, Kenya, CA, KS, CO, NC, one puppy, no cats :), lots of meals together, traveling up and down the east coast, landscaping, Mission Increase and now...
on to next year.
Thanks for all the praying you do for us. For the care and love you bestow on us daily. Thank you for searching the scriptures and sermons to be a better husband and daddy. Thank you for the numerous smiles and hugs you have given. Thank you for serving and being generous. And finally thank you for Loving the Lord and following Him
Happy 32nd Birthday Love. I can't wait to see what the Lord has for us next!

I LOVE you Dada!
I Love you my Daddy!

I LOVE you!
PS...Yes, this is a tad late of a post. Justin's Happy Birthday was on December 20th... :)

Monday, December 27, 2010

Merry Christmas 2010

Merry Christmas morning!
Happy day with a slide and ?? (Sand box!)

What joy on their faces!

Our little princess got her own purse with a 'k'-she has kept her candy in it ever sense.
Owen starting the game of continuous sliding--1,092 times on Christmas day and following...
Loving it, over and over and over again!
Katie got some school things...

Pippers opened her gift from Nana and Papa...
Oh WOW, it is more items for Magnolia her baby doll!
Does she love it or what?!
Laying it all out...and Owen in the background is about to get into that pink storage box. :)

Yummmmm.....Hot Chocolate, Owen drank his in 2 seconds flat!
"Yummy in my tummy!" Hot Chocolate! And this year because of dairy intolerance...I tried Almondmilk hot chocolate-not bad! :)

Thanks Great Gramma Gerrie for always blessing our kids with treats! Owen got these stacking cups and Katie got a 'color your own princess castle'. :)
Owen was very meticulous in his unwrapping of gifts. I think this box took him 5 minutes to unwrap as he gave EVERY SINGLE piece of paper to daddy to throw away.
Katie posing in her new dance outfit! Mimi and Grandpa, you, gave Katie some adorable clothes and she changed outfits at least 5 times!
Ta dah!
Dancing on a box, stomp, stomp, stomp...I think the boxes were much more exciting then the real toy-oh, except for the slide...we kept sliding down ALL DAY LONG. But we can't wait to set up the sand table when it gets warm outside. We think the kiddos will LOVE it.

On a side note, did you know you can buy sand off of Amazon? Yep! It costs $9.99 per bag, but $45.00 per bag for shipping! Can you believe that? And there was even a review on Amazon. I couldn't believe that someone actually bought sand off of Amazon for that shipping price????!!!

Yeeeeeeewwwwww, Haaaawwwwwwww! Jessie arrived in Katie's stocking on Christmas Eve.
Owen's football arrived on Christmas Eve too. It is a great ball for a little one-it doesn't bounce the same way twice!
Ahhh, I got some Tom's! Love them.
Working away on the Lego tractor!

Trying to get a photo with both kids. :) Again, do you see the slide is in the photo?
Katie with both her baby dolls! Magnolia and Lilly!
Owen checking out the McKenzie's tree.
Christmas dinner with the McKenzies and Gramma Julie. Thanks for the delicious food and company!

Merry Christmas 2010~!
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