Sunday, December 12, 2010

My friend Jae and her books...

My friend Jae has been my friend for now 12 ish years. WOW! It is amazing that we became friends that first day of college when we were put together as Rush (for Sororities) roommates. On the door it read, Jae and Gi. I am sure whoever put us together thought that was funny, two 'letters' as names. :) But still being friends and desiring to encourage each others kids Jae decided to give us a book of the month club. In the photo above are 10 of the 12 books. They were each chosen by Jae and sent through Amazon each month. What a look forwarded to gift! Katie and I have read all these books numerous time...and hopefully I will be able to read them to Owen soon too. Anyone of these are fantastic choices for you to read with your kids. And the best part of this gift was that it expanded both our reading choices. We now have looked for these authors on the shelf and pulled other of their books when at the library. So if you are looking for a neat gift idea try this out. Pick 12 of your favorite books and send them once a month to a friends kids.

Thanks Jae for the love you have sent all year long! You are a GREAT friend. :)
Love, Gi and Katie
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1 comment:

Metlife said...

I did not know that you and Jae were Rush Roommates, that is hilarious! And the books...Such a fun idea!