Friday, December 31, 2010

Super visit with superb friends!

Look who came to visit!! Yay, it was the Carsons! :) They were in WF for Hugh to be ordained and we got a play date in. YES! Yes! yes!
Do you think that Katie missed Laney? They played about everything Katie could think of, including dress up. They did have a few disagreements, especially when their siblings tried to join them, but what sweet friends.
It was SO much fun to catch up with Hollie and hear about their move to SC. They are going to do great things for Jesus there as they seek to lead a church and make their house a home. I LOVED hearing about what they were up too.....and to top it all off, Hollie pointed me to a new website on 'how to build' just about everything...especially Pottery Barn style stuff! --check it out, Ana White with Knock off wood-she gives plans and a very detailed description so you can do it!
I can't believe that Justin and I met the Carsons before we each had there are 4 kiddos!
It was WONDERFUL to have you all here to play. We very much appreciate your friendship!!!
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1 comment:

Hollie Carson said...

OH it was soo much fun! The highlight of our trip! We love you Himes!