Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Art Recommendation

Katie just got this for her birthday and I highly recommend it!  It is a bit pricey, but as a gift or on sale they are really neat and good for Katie to do by herself.  She did one before bed and one right when she woke up today.  They have a variety off different ones to create.  I know that Amazon and Michaels sell them.  Thanks Auntie Pie and Uncle Dustin.  We LOVE it!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

She turned 5 with a day full of fun!

Happy Birthday To You!  Happy Birthday to you!
A wake up photo with her singing, I'm five, I'm five-this is going to be a great day!

-On to the happenings of the day-
We've decided that on Katie's birthday she will give Owen a gift and vice versa.   Owen was soooo excited that he thought it was his special day too!  Katie got Owen Mater and Lightn Mcqueen and he LOVED them.  It was great to see Katie SUPER excited to give them...thankful that she is learning to be excited to give!
Katie and Daddy snuck out early to grab a special drink of Hot Carmel Apple Cider, what a treat... Yum!
Then I made a requested sweet treat for breakfast-Monkey bread!

Opening her gifts!  
New swim suit
Birthday Girl Dress with fancy sandals  
(thanks for the sandals Mimi and Grandpa they are a perfect color match!)
Beach Shads from Owen
And the best gift ever....a baby doll stroller!

Now, whose excited???
Getting phone calls/texts/messages from all our family was a huge highlight of her day.  She told me that her day was very busy listening to people tell her happy birthday! :)
We went on a walk around the neighborhood since Lily and Magnolia needed to check out their new stroller and Katie said they needed some fresh air. (Magnolia is on Katie's back in her 'ergo'. :)
Owen was a trooper...always telling Katie-Happy Birthday any moment he could...super sweet!
Our 5 year old photo poses

We picked up Chipolte and headed down to Daddy's office to eat lunch with him.  Owen decided to do some work at the board table.  
Since Katie thinks having cupcakes AND pie is necessary for a birthday (bc Nana makes cake and Mimi makes pie) we made a raspberry/apple pie for her birthday dinner and will make cupcakes for her birthday party!
And in the afternoon we headed to pick up Isaac and Ann to come back and play in the water-after we slurped down some popcycles!  I am now sure that our Highlander will hold four car seats.  The 15 minute ride was FULL of singing and giggling.
Ps see that 'shield' on the seat between the boys, that is Katie's gift from the Metcalfs-she is a real super hero now with her star shield-thanks friends!  And thanks Isaac for switching so K could sit in the way back.
I promise that each kid loved their popcycle though they don't look all that happy.  :)
Splish Splash 
(on a side note-Katie threw her swim suit on with the tags still attached...she reminded me of someone I!)
Finally her choice for supper...shrimp as an appetizer and then spaghetti and meatballs.
Happy Birthday to you!   Happy Birthday to you!
We pray and hope you did have your best day ever-with many many more to come.  Love you big girl!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Last of the 4's

 Hey there beautiful little girl!  It is amazing that you will turn 5 tomorrow.  We LOVE you!
Love, Momma, Daddy and Owen

Dear Catie Beth

We hope this letter makes it to TX and you!
 I noticed the flag was up on our mailbox, but couldn't recall putting anything in the box to mail. I thought maybe it was up by accident, but no.  I knew, yesterday, Katie was writing a letter to her friend Catie Beth. She wanted to send it while CB was at her Nana and Papa's house in TX...
I was talking with Justin tonight and he said Katie came running out of the house when he got home from work to please please please put it in the mail for her.  Justin didn't know it wasn't adressed and he popped it in the box.  ...super cute.  :)
SOoooooo....we talked about what is needed again on a letter to send it correctly and then re-put it in the box.  Friends...we hope it gets to you before you travel back here!  

Play Hard Drew-Man

Uncle Drew we are proud of you!  We know your intensity on the field of either football or baseball is unmatched and hope we will get to see you play in the future!  
(We LOVED that Justin got to see so many football games last fall.)
Hope LHS baseball makes it way to the top this year-all the way to the state championship!!

Here is a neat article about Drew!  Check it out.  
PS Drew, is this really the end of your Sophomore year of HS??  WOW, You look like your growing up well!  Love and Hugs from NC
(*Photo from FB :)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Science Museum

 We explored the new science museum wing!  Tons of hands on activities and neat technology.  Plus all the research scientists were working behind glass walls so we watched then research/investigate/dissect.
It was pretty neat.  The table above is pretty cool.  It lights up with all the information about whatever animal is placed on it.  Katie choose to learn about an owl and Owen a frog.  Being honest, their favorite part was just pushing the buttons on the table, like an ipad.  :)

Oh and we ran into the Cordells exploring the new wing too-Love those people!

Monday, May 21, 2012


A few thoughts from a TCC sermon on Rest vs Work:

Confidence in Jesus is necessary for true rest.

He still is working to sustain us.

Rest allows us to see Who sustains us.

Resting in God is fruitful.

And am I working out of faithfulness or anxiety for our provision of all things?

Owen quote

while using the bathroom-

Pushing down my peanut, pushing down my peanut.


Saturday, May 19, 2012

Katie quotes

1. I just found a good beef recipe on Pinterest Mom.  It has shredded beef, tomatoes, lettuce, avocados she threw in, a little bit of jalapeƱos for Buzz.  And Buzz likes heat.

2. Oh here is another recipe....Buzz texted it to me, it is called a Roll up Pizza with pepperoni and cheese. You put in the oven for 35 minutes.  He gives me good ideas.

3. All the princesses have great ideas for food...Tinkerbell, Lily, Magnolia, there are so many people to take care of...lots of food needs to be made.  That reminds me I have 30 daycare kids to take care of tomorrow...

4. This is so funny....Tiana just posted on said, "do you dads work when he's working to show love.  And the comment said, doing your dads work is fun".  That is so funny!

5. Everyday I text Tiana, "Birthday Girl!"

6. And Buzz keeps telling me he is playing on Barbie Surfer Girl game and also on the library app where I can write my own book...It helps me learn my words.  Buzz just plays all my games...Oh I have another game's called Amazon Prime.   BUZZ....DON'T DELETE THAT!

7. And we were having this conversation home in the car.  I was asking her if she would continue learning how to cook by making lunch for us one day a week.

Kt said: I have small, but tiny arms, they are strong and one day a week would be perfect for my schedule to make lunches for the family.  Let's do it mom!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Our Budding Artist, Lover of Her Daddy and Inspiration Seeker

Katie, you look so big in these photos!  I can't believe, you, our little girl is growing up!

Way to go doing this all by yourself:
...going outside with your baby doll changing table, turned art table.
Using the white stool for a seat.
Getting inspiration from the outside/creation.
Being with daddy while he mows the yard.
Listening to 'What's in the Bible with Buck Denver" so that you can drown out the noise of the blower.
Having your Bible near by for deep reading.
And finally creating a vase of flowers in your journal!
You are one creative girl and we LOVE you .

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Reinventing My Salad Taste Buds

A while ago I posted about teaching our kids to enjoy salads, and yes I said, "teaching',   :)
and now I am more convinced then ever.  

Three things have pushed me again to take up salads-once a day, 1. watching Forks over Knives, 2. eating at Chop'd in DC and 3. going to a plant based workshop.

The benefits of salads are amazing.  No one will disagree with all the nutrients present in a dark green leafy salad.  But not all salads are equal.  We've tried around here to do salads before.  Justin would take them for lunch, I'd make one for the kids and I, but eventually I get tired of eating like a rabbit (hehe thats something my dad would say:).  

But enter a NEW way to eat salads.  Nothing fancy.  No new ingredients.  But simply a chopped salad that blends all the ingredients together and makes a wowwowzer of a salad.  It is also a GREAT way to use lots of lettuce with only a few ingredients BECAUSE when it is finely chopped a little bit of each ingredient sticks to your greens.  
After going to Chop't in DC and watching them transform my salad taste buds I am not going back. 

Wanna give it a try? Here's what you do:

1. Take a large cutting board and place all ingredients in the center-my first photo.
2. Using your chef knife or a rolling knife like this one, chop up everything really well!-my second photo.
3. Drizzle on some dressing, mix it up on the board and then scoop up into bowls.
4. Presto, delicious salad where every bite has something on it.
Let me know if you try it...I think you will agree...salads are once again delicious down to the last bite!

Here are a few new salads for you to try-most taken from the Chop't website.  I also included the dressing I used per salad.

1. Mexican Caesar-grilled chicken, monterey jack cheese, green pepper, tortilla chips with a mexican Caesar dressing
2. Sub Salad-salami or pepperoni, green/black olives, feta, tomatoes, red onions, sweet orange/red peppers, banana peppers with a Italian Salad Dressing
3. Cobb Salad-hard boiled egg, bacon, grilled chicken, avocado, tomatoes, crumbled blue cheese with a dijon vinaigrette dressing
4. Harvest Salad-Sunflower seeds, apple slices, craisins, blue cheese with a dijon vinaigrette dressing
5. Simple Salad-Coconut flakes, feta cheese, with a splash of Roasted Walnut oil and lots of freshly squeezed lemon
6. Color me Salad-cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, green onions, pecans, craisins with your favorite dressing.
7. Greek Salad-feta cheese, olives, tomatoes, cucumbers, cubed baked potato, red onions with a greek dressing
8. Taco Salad-Taco Meat both/or black beans, tortilla chips, tomatoes, corn, green onions, cheddar cheese, avocados, topped with salsa
9.Tropical Salad-Mango, pineapple, cashews, grilled chicken, avocado and with lemon juice or tropical salad dressing
10. Asian Salad...haven't tried this one yet, but on the menu soon

*We are trying to increase our veggie consumption and any meats and cheese on our salads are on the low end.  Still very delicious!
*Add salt/pepper if you want-I normally add a titch of both.
*Salads as meals are pretty easy to clean up! Yay!
*Add some sourdough bread, or pitas to your salad to round out your meal
*Most salad dressing recipes make large batches....I scaled down each recipe just to try them.
*Update-OUR KIDS LOVE SALAD.  Somedays Katie will take 3rds.  :)  And once we get Owen to take a bite he eats his entire bowl willingly!

Moving away

Dear Katie and Beth,
:(  I can't believe that you both are leaving NC...following your husbands and the Lord to KS and Germany!
BUT I am SO thankful for both of you.  I appreciate your desires to live life wide open and in community.    I appreciate your love of eating well and serving your family.
And I am grateful for the time spent serving each other.  
It is AMAZING that we have known each other since college.  That there are nine kids between us and that Katie, you and I dress, umm, similar.  :)
Can't wait to hear about your next steps, to visit and to read your blogs-Beth you need to start one, soon! :)
Hugs from me to you guys!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day article

Justin read this-Out of the Mouth of Babes to me today and I wanted to pass it along.  If you have a moment read this honest article from one mom about Motherhood.

Happy Mother's Day to all Momma's!

Below is a quote taken from the article at Q

It means looking into your child’s eyes dead-on and saying,
“You are my beloved.”
“I would give my life for you.”
“The things that scare you, they scare me too.”
“We will face those fears together.”
“I can’t believe I get to be your mom.”
“I love your heart.”
“I will mess up…often.”
“But I will come to you, and confess. I will ask your forgiveness.”
“I will give everything I have to nurture the talents God has birthed in you.”
“I will aim to live a life that models that celebration.”
“You were meant for amazing things.”
These words reflect the kind of mother I desire to be. Birthed from a joy that stems from deep within. Sustained by the grace of a Savior.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Cowboy Owen


I had Owen playing with Legos while I did a few things around the house and this is what happened for 45 minutes straight. 
build a tower...legos fall over...Owen cries in a tower...legos fall over...Owen cries in a tower...

Then I was having Katie pick up her room before we left and she was in despair too...
I can't do it...I don't want to pick up my room...why do I have to do this...can't someone help is too much...why can't I fold my clothes right...
*note...I did find this pretty humorous... Ah, the life of a child.  :)