Friday, March 28, 2008

Bye Bye 8501 Hawksmoor Dr...

Well, this is it! We are moving today; as I am typing the last few kitchen food items are being put in the car. This was a great house for the 1 1.2 years that the Lord had us in here. It was a challenge to completely redo it from a painting stand point, but such a blessing that we were able to sell it. The walking path behind the house was used almost everyday, the convience to shopts was a blessing, being close to Justin work was great, but overall we are truely thankful to be moving on to the next thing that God has for us.
Our new address is 55 Serenity Ln. Louisburg, NC 27549

More later!
Love, the three Himes
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Thursday, March 27, 2008

It just won't happen...

These are photos of the standing water that has continue to stand in our new home's yard :( based upon some professionals recommendations and our gut feelings we decided to withdrawal our contract from our new home in Youngsville. The builder said that he fixed it, but we just don't see how it won't always be a problem. From what we could gather the water had no where to drain and so sat around our new home until it soaked in, which took a long time. There was also concern that it would flood the crawlspace and get into the foundation. SO until last Sunday we were without a home and we close this Friday the 28th. The Lord has tested our patience on His plan, but like ALWAYS He has provided for us!drum roll......We are moving to a rental house just north of Rolesville. It is empty and on 40 acres. It will be a treat to be in the country, though we are right off of 401 and there are a few homes in sight of this one. We will be caretakers of the land and another ministry house on the property for a couple out of Raleigh. It is amazing to see that the Lord has been persistent to put this house on our plate and to make us, because we don't have any other option, move here. The Christian couple that owns it contacted Justin three times to see if he knew of anyone that they could rent it to. (Like any ministries or people from the seminary) We didn't need a house at first, but by the third time, we felt the push of the Lord to move there. So we are not homeless, have plenty of space for people to come and visit and it is a beautiful place to rest. I will post pictures when we get up there, after the internet is set up and I have a minute. Until then my friends, rest in the Grace, Peace, Goodnes and Faithfulness of the Lord. Love to you all! justin, gi and katie

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Happy 10 month Birthday

Yep, our little one is 10 months, where does the time go?
Happy Birthday Pippers, we love you!

What can Katie do?
She is crawling around like a tornado, pulling up and walking around tables and small things, wants to walk and will when you hold her hands, eats everything though we are still working on green beans, will eat sour things, loves bread and butter and watered down prune juice-for her ever constant constipation :), she babbles constantly, loves anything loud including the vacuum and yard equipment, continues to go crazy over showers, reads her books by herself, gives kisses with open mouth, adores her daddy especially when she has been at home with her mommy all day, has 8 TEETH (so we are almost done nursing), enjoys the park being outside and cheerios, continues to be a short sleeper during her naps, only about 45 minutes to 1 hour 15 minutes once around 8:30am and again around 1:30 pm, sleeps through the night from 6:30-6:08 am almost to the dot-waking up once or twice for a minute or two, a very joyful little girl, very passionate and we love her very much-everyday it is a blessing to be your mommy and daddy!
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What else have we been up to???

Katie has been such a trooper riding around EVERYWHERE that I have needed to go these past few weeks. She is tuckered out in this one, a rare event, but so precious! A preEaster picture of us...when my mom and sister were out here we took advantage of the opportunity to have a family photo! Katie loves to give kisses with her mouth wide open, so much fun! The packing that I am doing, keeps being undone, by a little bitty thing, named Katie Grace Hime!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

What I shouldn't be in your purse??

But it is so much fun!!!!!

packing....or unpacking....

yep, she got in here herself, what a little mover she is!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter Everyone!

Happy Easter to all our peeps! I am sorry that I haven't posted in WAY TO LONG! Things around here have been changing every second...more to come about all our busyness and what the Lord is doing in our lives. :)
We love you all! The Lord is Risen, Faithful and full of Grace. May we bow to Him alone.
Love, Justin, Gi and Katie

Sunday, March 9, 2008


To see a picture of Dorian, check this out!

Dorian and the BIG Dance

Dorian, Justin's brother, who is a junior in HS and who plays basketball for Lawrence High in Lawrence KS is a stud. The Lions won SubState and went on to State in Emporia KS for 6A schools!! 6A schools are the largest schools in Kansas. And they made it all the way to the final game, the big dance, last night. Dorian is a fantastic player, the point guard, and really has some skills. (Skills is the word Katie used to describe Dorian's game. He's got "game" she said. :) But truely he is a very talented player. But in the final game, even with Dorian's dunk... they came up short. :( So they are the second best team in the state of Kansas for 6A! Which is quite an accomplishment, especially since they were the underdogs being rated 8th out of 8 teams!

WAY TO GO DORIAN!!! Be proud of your accomplishments. Know that the Lord has given you these skills to be used to glorify Him. Keep playing for Jesus.
We love you!

PS below are some hints that Katie had for you...
One, maintain a happy disposition when playing.
Two, clap when you want the ball.
Three, keep your up when you are dribbling-don't look at the ball.

Friday, March 7, 2008

From That to This...

As most of you know Justin has transistioned work from out in the field doing landscaping to inside working with Fore The Lord. He has been so excited to work with this grant ministry! This ministry has him still at the Bensons just in the office now. (I guess he will have to work on his farmers tan some other way then mowing... :)

His job now includes: researching different ministries they support with the grants, developing a growing Fore The Lord ministry, learning more in the financial world of giving, most importantly spreading the idea of biblical generosity and other areas as well. It has taken a lot of time for him to get a grasp of where this ministry wants to go. Right now they are in the process of writing a business plan, doing logo work, a website upgrade, visiting other ministries/foundations that are doing this type of grant work on a larger scale and learning to balance his time between it all. Justin is the first staff for this ministry. The ministry has existed for 13 years and has giving away a few million dollars! Now they are wanting to get the nuts and bolts ironed out for where they are going in the next 3, 5, and 10 years.

There are other organizations doing this type of grant work around the country...For example there is a wonderful family foundation in TN that gives internationally 31 million dollars a year! Isn't that incredible?! It has been incredible to hear all the ways that God is on the march around the world. And biblical generosity is just one way God is moving. Fore The Lord hopes to teach people and pray that the Lord would get ahold of peoples hearts and that the city of Raleigh would learn to be more giving. The key word is that the Lord would get ahold of peoples hearts!

I am enjoying the change as well, because I feel this is right up Justin's gifting alley. :)

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