Thursday, March 27, 2008

Happy 10 month Birthday

Yep, our little one is 10 months, where does the time go?
Happy Birthday Pippers, we love you!

What can Katie do?
She is crawling around like a tornado, pulling up and walking around tables and small things, wants to walk and will when you hold her hands, eats everything though we are still working on green beans, will eat sour things, loves bread and butter and watered down prune juice-for her ever constant constipation :), she babbles constantly, loves anything loud including the vacuum and yard equipment, continues to go crazy over showers, reads her books by herself, gives kisses with open mouth, adores her daddy especially when she has been at home with her mommy all day, has 8 TEETH (so we are almost done nursing), enjoys the park being outside and cheerios, continues to be a short sleeper during her naps, only about 45 minutes to 1 hour 15 minutes once around 8:30am and again around 1:30 pm, sleeps through the night from 6:30-6:08 am almost to the dot-waking up once or twice for a minute or two, a very joyful little girl, very passionate and we love her very much-everyday it is a blessing to be your mommy and daddy!
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