Sunday, May 27, 2012

She turned 5 with a day full of fun!

Happy Birthday To You!  Happy Birthday to you!
A wake up photo with her singing, I'm five, I'm five-this is going to be a great day!

-On to the happenings of the day-
We've decided that on Katie's birthday she will give Owen a gift and vice versa.   Owen was soooo excited that he thought it was his special day too!  Katie got Owen Mater and Lightn Mcqueen and he LOVED them.  It was great to see Katie SUPER excited to give them...thankful that she is learning to be excited to give!
Katie and Daddy snuck out early to grab a special drink of Hot Carmel Apple Cider, what a treat... Yum!
Then I made a requested sweet treat for breakfast-Monkey bread!

Opening her gifts!  
New swim suit
Birthday Girl Dress with fancy sandals  
(thanks for the sandals Mimi and Grandpa they are a perfect color match!)
Beach Shads from Owen
And the best gift ever....a baby doll stroller!

Now, whose excited???
Getting phone calls/texts/messages from all our family was a huge highlight of her day.  She told me that her day was very busy listening to people tell her happy birthday! :)
We went on a walk around the neighborhood since Lily and Magnolia needed to check out their new stroller and Katie said they needed some fresh air. (Magnolia is on Katie's back in her 'ergo'. :)
Owen was a trooper...always telling Katie-Happy Birthday any moment he could...super sweet!
Our 5 year old photo poses

We picked up Chipolte and headed down to Daddy's office to eat lunch with him.  Owen decided to do some work at the board table.  
Since Katie thinks having cupcakes AND pie is necessary for a birthday (bc Nana makes cake and Mimi makes pie) we made a raspberry/apple pie for her birthday dinner and will make cupcakes for her birthday party!
And in the afternoon we headed to pick up Isaac and Ann to come back and play in the water-after we slurped down some popcycles!  I am now sure that our Highlander will hold four car seats.  The 15 minute ride was FULL of singing and giggling.
Ps see that 'shield' on the seat between the boys, that is Katie's gift from the Metcalfs-she is a real super hero now with her star shield-thanks friends!  And thanks Isaac for switching so K could sit in the way back.
I promise that each kid loved their popcycle though they don't look all that happy.  :)
Splish Splash 
(on a side note-Katie threw her swim suit on with the tags still attached...she reminded me of someone I!)
Finally her choice for supper...shrimp as an appetizer and then spaghetti and meatballs.
Happy Birthday to you!   Happy Birthday to you!
We pray and hope you did have your best day ever-with many many more to come.  Love you big girl!

1 comment:

Joy said...

what a super fun day! im interested to know your thought process (perhaps another blogpost?!) of giving owen a present. I think I would like the idea a lot!