Thursday, December 9, 2010

Journaling-lest anyone should think I am perfect.


I set up for Rachel to come and watch my two, full of energy, kiddos so I could do some errands. Here's how my morning went...

1. I went to see Dr. Porter (Chiropractor) for a check up. Everything was fine until I thought I lost my sunglasses. I ran back in, knocked on the door-while another patient was in there, then realized they were in my coat pocket. :( Had to profusely say, I am sorry for interrupting!

2. Went to Target and as I was shopping set my notebook down, somewhere. I searched all the way back to the totes and found it, finally...The first thing I put in my cart were totes...needless to say, it took a while to find the notebook.

3. Drove to Walmart to get two things that Target didn't have and then couldn't find my car in the parking lot.

4. Came back home 55 minutes late. Thankfully Rachel didn't mind!

5. Put the kids down for a nap then realized something that made my heart drop to my toes...I had dropped off things to the Sharing shop (which is a shop where items can be donated for Seminary families) and then realized 1.5 hours later, that one of the bags of little boys clothing I left at the shop belongs to a friend who had lent it to me for Owen! OH MY!! I called Jessica, a friend who lives close to the Share Shop to help me retrieve it...she went right up, but it was gone! Gone! I was about in tears at this moment since my day had been a bit, hummm, crazy. But she did give me a phone number that was posted and when 'Debbie' answered my call she eased my heart by going up and finding it already inside the house. They had moved it from the donation room to the sorting room. She is saving it for me until tomorrow. Thankful for Jessica and Debbie!

So that was my morning. I did errands like a mad woman and it shows! Next time I go out by myself I will have all my ducks in row...or at least I will try to have a smoother adventure!

1 comment:

Allison said...

That sounds soooo familiar! So glad I'm not the only frantic mom around here!