Thursday, August 1, 2019

Sing a Song of Seasons

The seasons are changing again. The school books are calling. The schedule is filling up as the swimming pool closes and the fields/gyms/school doors open back up.  Volleyball and Baseball will once again find places in our calendar and the dailys of math, writing and reading will take their place at our table.  I know the seasons don't change as abruptly as I am writing.  They slowly give way to fall from summer.  Right now the weather is still hot, sticky and full of fireflies. The apples won't be ready to pick (at least our favorites) for another month or two. But change is coming yet again.  I've learned a lot about myself in change.  I'm one that seeks it and loves the adventure of it, but the thinking and planning a new one slows me down. It causes me to think and then rethink what and how to do it well. And with these change comes many new decisions. And in the world of decisions, where many directions can be good, I find I can do this for only so long before I get stuck in a circular pattern of thoughts.  I start to think, what is the best answer and not simply, what is the next good thing. And if this happens, I stop moving.  And if I stop moving it is so hard to get moving again.  So I'm declaring it out loud- I'll embrace this change of seasons.  I'll keep seeking the Lord and asking Him to help me make decisions.  I'll hold my hands open so He can direct my path...after all the old saying-It's easier to steer a ship if it's moving-holds true for me. It won't be easy, I know that.  Even at 41, the ability to walk the road Jesus has for me challenges me deep in my soul.  I used to think it would get easier, but now I know it won't.  The enemy has it out for me.  He is seeking someone/something to devour and He wants to see my downfall.  But with the always present help of the Lord-"I need thee every hour"-I will overcome, is a foundational truth. I'll rest on this truth.
So the season changes once again. Help me, Lord, to keep moving. Help me to not be overwhelmed. Help me to hear from you clearly. Keep me humble and dependent upon you. Help me to sing this new song of this changing season.

1 comment:

Tempest said...

A beautiful devotional, Gi.
Very inspiring and helps me go forward too.