Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A New Thanksgiving Tradition

Justin bought me this book by Noel Piper. Treasuring God in our Traditions. An encouraging read-pretty fast read-yes, I recommed it. Though this tradition I am blogging about doesn't seem to have God in it, it does! This is a fun thing that points to the fact that God wants our family to have fun and be joyful. These cereals sure do bring a lot of energy to everyone, especially Katie! We will see how well she sleeps... :)

But here is our new tradition. The night before Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve we eat cereal for dinner-we choose a our own box (oh the memories Kix brings from Childhood). We are doing this in prepration for all the yummy foods we eat on the actual holiday!

Justin braved the long lines at Harris Teeter to buy four boxes of cereal. He did get some funny looks. He brought these home and we devored our individual bowls in about 20 minutes. I think I ate 3 bowls!

Justin picked-Peanut Butter Captain Crunch
Melissa-regular Captain Crunch
Chelsea-Honey Nut Cheerios
Katie-wanted some PB Captain Crunch and Kix. (she did not want her regular Cheerios :)

It was a hit. We are going to finish off our cereal on Christmas Eve!

What traditions do you all do?

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*Melissa Anne* said...

This was soo much fun!!

Kristin said...

Love it! Great idea! I love that book, but we're still trying to come up with fun new traditions for our family. Growing up, we always decorated our Christmas tree Friday night after thanksgiving, eating pizza while we did it. It was a tradition I've always loved.

Jae Davis said...

Gi, I read a similar book a few years back called "Redeeming the Season," which had a lot of really fun ideas...but our FAVORITE holiday tradition was born out of a set of 4 wine glasses you gave us when Maddie was little that have the word "NOEL" on the stems. I ran across them in my China cabinet that year while reading the book and laughed 'cause we never drink wine...but then I remembered this yummy "mock champagne" I got out of a 4-H recipe book when I was a 3rd-grader that I had at all my birthday parties for fun (7-up and apple juice). My favorite Christmas tradition when growing up was eating finger foods right before going to the Christmas Eve candlelight service each year. So, a new tradition was born and it's our kids' favorite! We break out the "wine" glasses to have our mock champagne, and we eat finger foods the night we put the Christmas decorations up and again on Christmas Eve. SO much fun. Thanks to you and Justin for the inspiration!! ;)