Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Happy Happy Birthday

We love our now 4 year old! We can't believe that you, Owen, are 4 years old! You are our handsome daper little man. And you are precious to Jesus and us, Owen Bradley Hime! Your daddy, mommy and Katie pray for you so often and you are our favorite little boy in the whole wide world!

A few things about you right now...
1. You are a hard worker. 
2. You love to serve people and help them when they ask. 
3. You are enjoying playing with cars, trains and house with Katie. You love to pretend play! 
4. You like about every food. 
5. You are napping somedays, but can definitely go without if there is an early bedtime.  
6. You are a little boy that can join in any game at the park, you enjoy making new friends and like to introduce yourself. 
7. You enjoy things organized like your daddy. :). You love working with him!
8. Your best friends are Noah B and Bryce B. 
9. You are a snuggler and have recently ended up in bed with us to get warm since you kick off the covers.  
10. You are considerate of others and really want to be generous and serve others! 

We love you so much!

1 comment:

Metlife said...

No kidding, I really do think he is one of the cutest/most handsome little guys! Happy Birthday Owen!!