Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween from our "Love Bug"!

Monday, October 27, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Sweet, Sweet, Sweet...
Justin got home tonight, from a conference in DC in time to play with Katie, give her a bath and then put her down. Normally he comes out of her room after about 15 minutes, but after doing the dishes and talking to Robin I decided to look at the monitor to see what was taking 45 plus minutes...I saw this. It is SO sweet. Justin fell asleep after reading to Katie and rocking to her for a few minutes. They were both SACKED out. TOO PRECIOUS. I love these two like CRAZY. I am so glad to have him home and I know Katie is too.
And when he came home honking his horn, Katie went RUNNING through the house to find me, repeating over and over, Daddy, Daddy, Dada, Daddy. I was in her bedroom and she was in the kitchen at first. She ran back to our bathroom desperately for me. I had to get her attention that I was in her room. As I carried her out to the garage, she was holding on to me and doing her wiggle dance at the same time. She was overjoyed to see her Daddy. I loved it!
And when he came home honking his horn, Katie went RUNNING through the house to find me, repeating over and over, Daddy, Daddy, Dada, Daddy. I was in her bedroom and she was in the kitchen at first. She ran back to our bathroom desperately for me. I had to get her attention that I was in her room. As I carried her out to the garage, she was holding on to me and doing her wiggle dance at the same time. She was overjoyed to see her Daddy. I loved it!

Crabtree Mall, friends and food...

Katie's future job...selling ice cream...

She would NOT give up this cup and straw after eating lunch...

Such a mom photo opportunity...I was trying to corral Katie after we took the group photo and she would not stay still so my camera caught this lovely photo!

I had to take a group photo...We all look terrific!

Eating lunch...The staredown...is your food better then mine???
Yeah, Robin, Catie Beth, Katie and I all got together for some girl time while the men were away on trips. It is rare that both the dads/husbands would be traveling on the same weekend...But we had a great time and SO glad that I could meet Robin for awhile. It is so wonderful to have relationships that we are comfortable around, have a blast together and now watch our girls learn to be friends. These two are about 8 months apart and are still in the "stare down" stage. Praying that one day they would be great friends!
Thanks Robin and Catie Beth for our fun lunch date!
1980's curles...
Thursday, October 23, 2008
As each of us are raising our kids, "How do we raise our kids, so that we are each day, giving them over to the Lord, so that they can walk on their own someday without us?"
Hard I know, but it seems the way the Lord has it in in life. Each of our kids will one day build their own house, have their own families, make their own decisions, live with the Lord on their own...
Hard I know, but it seems the way the Lord has it in in life. Each of our kids will one day build their own house, have their own families, make their own decisions, live with the Lord on their own...
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
I love these friends...
This makes me worship the Creator...
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
True Womanhood
As taken from:
By John Pipper
True Womanhood for the Glory of Christ
So whether you marry or remain single, do not settle for a wimpy
theology. It is beneath you. God is too great. Christ is too glorious.
True womanhood is too strategic. Don’t waste it. Your womanhood—your
true womanhood—was made for the glory of Jesus Christ.
By John Pipper
True Womanhood for the Glory of Christ
I commend to you this truth: The ultimate purpose of God in history is
the display of the glory of his Son in dying for his bride. God has
created man as male and female because there are aspects of Christ’s
glory which would not be known if they were not reflected in the
complementary differences of manhood and womanhood. Therefore, true
womanhood is a distinctive calling of God to display the glory of his
Son in ways that would not be displayed if there were no womanhood.
Married womanhood has its unique potential for magnifying Christ
that single womanhood does not have. Single womanhood has its unique
potential for magnifying Christ which married womanhood does not have.
So whether you marry or remain single, do not settle for a wimpy
theology. It is beneath you. God is too great. Christ is too glorious.
True womanhood is too strategic. Don’t waste it. Your womanhood—your
true womanhood—was made for the glory of Jesus Christ.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Our First Date with Katie!

Justin and I took Katie for a planned date. I will say that it was a bit challenging as she was tired and sacked out at 6 pm! But we went to Petsmart to see the animals, Dick's Sporting Goods to play with the balls and Pei Wei for dinner. It was fun!! And as Katie grows up we pray we will each be able to have many more dates to show her much Grace, Love and Passion in living for Jesus.
Love you Katie
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Camping out with our Bible Study--What a super time!
WE had a GREAT time this weekend camping out at our house. What a blessing to be able to host people, enjoy fellowship, food and much laughter. Thanks for all the families pitching in and making it so easy to have it here.
Everybody please come again and lets party some more.
Love, Gi-Katie-Justin
Everybody please come again and lets party some more.
Love, Gi-Katie-Justin
Saturday, October 4, 2008
What have I been up to??
Katie LOVES to sit in her seat and eat a snack while I make dinner, I guess she can grab more then I knew...She grabbed the container of flour and tried to eat it with her banana. Yummm.
Second, Katie pretends to sleep all the time. Her eyes are always open, but she is whispering "shhhhh, szzzzzz
, sheeee, szzzz..."
Third, all of the sudden Katie is into climbing onto everything.!! Yes, she managed to get on this tote with a book and read for a few minutes before I turned around. It is much better to read when you are off the ground...right?? :) So creative!
Lastly, she loves this little chair and theseher stuffed animals. I thought this was SO cute. She is slowly doing pretend play...She is picking up so much it is amazing!
We LOVE YOU Katie Grace Hime

Second, Katie pretends to sleep all the time. Her eyes are always open, but she is whispering "shhhhh, szzzzzz

Third, all of the sudden Katie is into climbing onto everything.!! Yes, she managed to get on this tote with a book and read for a few minutes before I turned around. It is much better to read when you are off the ground...right?? :) So creative!
Lastly, she loves this little chair and theseher stuffed animals. I thought this was SO cute. She is slowly doing pretend play...She is picking up so much it is amazing!
We LOVE YOU Katie Grace Hime

Thanks Granny for my Rock and Roll Outfit!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Katie Dancing at 15 months...look at our little shaker :)
Katie, before bed has some dancing time with Daddy, almost daily...I was able to capture her little wiggles and bopping before she had her bath. 15 months and always on the go! It was so sweet. Enjoy, we did!
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