Saturday, October 4, 2008

What have I been up to??

Katie LOVES to sit in her seat and eat a snack while I make dinner, I guess she can grab more then I knew...She grabbed the container of flour and tried to eat it with her banana. Yummm.

Second, Katie pretends to sleep all the time. Her eyes are always open, but she is whispering "shhhhh, szzzzzz, sheeee, szzzz..."

Third, all of the sudden Katie is into climbing onto everything.!! Yes, she managed to get on this tote with a book and read for a few minutes before I turned around. It is much better to read when you are off the ground...right?? :) So creative!

Lastly, she loves this little chair and theseher stuffed animals. I thought this was SO cute. She is slowly doing pretend play...She is picking up so much it is amazing!

We LOVE YOU Katie Grace Hime

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1 comment:

Hollie Carson said...

Sweet Katie,
You are adorable!!!