Monday, December 29, 2008

Unfortunately....these are not the bubbles to buy!


I was reading "Real Simple" magazine and came across their recommendation of shapeable bubbles from Bath and Body Works. Their review was glowing and sounded really fun for little ones. So being the consumer I am and wanting to get Katie that "cool" gift for Christmas even at 19 months, I braved the mall and bought some-plus some blueberry body wash and bubbles. Unfortunately, I cannot recommend these for your little ones. :( The shapeable bubbles get stuck in their tin, and they can't be shaped into anything except a glob. Then the blueberry bubbles don't last more then a few splashes and moments. So even though Katie loves the "shaking" bubbles and the "blue" ones and it is great to see her face light up, I will try something else next time. Sorry "Real Simple" and B&BW. Not worth my money.
But, if anyone has another brand that has high sudsy bubbles and gives an incredible amount of fun-LET US KNOW!
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1 comment:

Robin Muse said...

Did you know - we took our shapeable bubbles back today because they didn't work - and we were told that they were actually all recalled because they didn't work as planned. Now they have run out of the replacements. So, now no bubbles for our baby. :)