Saturday, January 31, 2009

Not a false potty alarm!

Katie, by herself, has sorta announced several times she has to go "stinky". Mostly because I have asked her as I watch her face grimace or smell her diaper-you parents know what "look" I am talking about....(And so I remember, I have not officially tried to start potty training yet, she is 20 months old.)

But tonight...

THIS IS BIG PROGRESS. Tonight on her own, while she was standing and playing, she said, "stinky". I am amazed that she is picking this up.

We have been putting her on the toilet before her bath time for a few months now and she knows to go "tinkle" on the potty, but stinky?? That has been a different story. It has been a literal mess trying to every once in a while get her to understand, stinky goes IN the potty. Yuck!

But tonight, on her own, she was standing playing and said, "Stinky".

I picked her up and moved rather quickly back to the bathroom, where she went! (On a side note, it was hysterically funny-she was so animated and dramatic!)

Yeah for Katie...

Now I am ready for all the "false" alarms that I know for SURE to start coming...before naps, while in the car, during dinner... :) I think I better start to read up on potty training!


Jae Davis said...


Yeah for Katie! The stinky is a big deal in pre-potty training. The fact that she will willingly practice with you is great.

Gi, potty training is my most UNFAVORITE motherhood responsibility. I struggle with getting angry while cleaning up the messes.

Miss Jillian is potty trained, but not poopy trained and it is SO frustrating. She has always insisted on trying to do things on her terms in her own time, and apparently poopy is one of those things she's figured out she can control and is now "using" it to exercise her independence. She poops her pants (keep in mind we're in panties) and then comes and matter-of-factly says, "I pooped. I stink. I'm poopy." She did it in the library just the other day. I had to send her out the door with Madalynn while I finished checking out so everyone did not have to smell her "independence." Needless to say her smug "poopy declarations" are being met with discipline each and every time, as she is knowingly choosing not to go on the potty. Who said girls were easier to potty train??!

I am going to pray for patience and an easy and mess-free transition from undies to panties for Katie. With God all things are possible, right!?

Love Ya!

*Melissa Anne* said...

I mean I have all the experience in the world in potty training. I will train her ok?...ok. ;)

Hollie Carson said...

WOW!!!!!!!! Go KK go!!! Sister, this is great news. Seize this time!!!! I know she'll be ready by 22 months. Yay KK!