Friday, February 13, 2009

katie's been sick :(


Here is a photo taken yesterday (Thursday the 12th) as we both sat on the couch and watched, "blue" or VeggieTales "Madam Blueberry". Doesn't she just look sick?? Oh my heart hurts for her! This is her second time at really being sick since birth. The other time around 5 months was just as scary and hard! Katie caught the flu bug and boy did it hit hard. She had a fever of up to 103.9 at times, runny nose, cough, headache, tummy ache and all the other things the come with the flu. I think I rocked a few miles last week between Tuesday night and Friday morning. It was not a fun time. I did get a chance to read a fiction book that I had gotten for our trip to GA that we canceled. Justin still needed to go to his conference (though he offered to see if he could stay home if I needed it...thanks Love!) so it was a double bonus to have him away while we were struggling through it. But I know that many of my friends prayed and it was those prayers and God's goodness that kept us both sane. She was able to break her fever on Thursday night and I was SO relieved. I know the fever is her body burning off the virus and I wanted it to work, it is just NOT fun to have a sick baby. But Katie came through it and we are on the mend. She still today has a cough and runny nose and I have a bit of it now as well, but all in all? We are doing well.

A book that helped me not get to worried and one I recommed to keep parents sane, is "How to raise a healthy child in spite of your Dr." by Dr. Robert Mendelsohn He is NOT against Dr's. after all he is a ped. dr. He just wants parents to think and work at keeping their children healthy and not run to a dr. office each time a child sneezes. Definately a worthwhile have! Whew...the fever section came in handy! The other thing to keep on hand, --phone numbers of seasoned parents that can listen and help you work through things when they are tough! This is priceless!

But praise God, Katie is much better. All healing is from His hand. It again caused me to put my trust in His plan, to know we live in a fallen world that He has redeemed for His purposes. May I Lord, continue to have my life refined so that one day Katie may look back and see a bit of Jesus in me. And not by my trying, but by your grace. :)

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