Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Can you give yourself a high five?

Katie Story...

Katie has been doing high fives for a handful of months now. But this past week Justin was playing a game with Katie like this..."give me a high five up high, on the side, down low...oh, too slow!" (I am sure many of you played this in elementary school or with your parents-I played a ton of times with my dad!) Katie has taken to this game and has slowly understood the concept of trying to hit his hands BEFORE he moves it away. Justin lets her get his hands every few times.

Well, during dinner one night, while Katie was sitting in her chair, Justin nudges me to look over at Katie. Here is what we saw...Katie was concentrating very intently on her hands...Her eyes were glued to her two hands as she was trying to play "high fives" by herself! She especially was trying the down low high five...oh, too slow! She was taking one hand and trying to "trick" the other hand to not hit the low five. Just like Justin does with her!


Unknown said...

that is really funny. and so cute.

Dana C said...

thanks for inviting me to your blog! Yeah! Katie is precious... I am sure she makes you laugh a lot. The high five story is too funny!