Monday, May 11, 2009

Growing Up.

Wow, I was looking at these photos and wondering where the time went. Katie is growing up and will be two years old in only a few weeks!

Katie Grace. We love you! You are growing up into a passionate, loving, exciting, joyful, beautiful little girl.
-We love the fact that you are into what you are doing,
-that you are sure of your next toy to play with is,
-you can brush your teeth,
-you swing your babies on your swing set,
-mow grass with Daddy (or Mommy-like when you fell asleep while I mowed the front yard a few days ago),
-love any animal-especially the fishies, honkers, puppies, the pet store and library are your favorite date place
-the McKenzie boys, Tracy, Beth-Catie Beth, Robin, Hunter-Laney, Hollie, Daisey, Hugh-Melissa-Anna (the other girls too!) and anyone from KS when they call are your best friends
-that you can dance with the best of them holding your hands in fists and waving them in the air
-you can jump 'almost' with both feet off the ground
-you can tell a great story
-you talk and say hello to almost any stranger if mommy and daddy are with you
-you love to hear daddy honk when he comes home after work
-you are potty training yourself and wearing big girl panties which you love
-you are doing a great job at listening and being obedient and working on a happy heart
-your sleeping is something to be learned, but Momma and Daddy are sure trying. You sleep about 1 1/2 hours at naptime and about 11 hours at night, and if we get you sleeping well, you are on the go the minute you wake up around 6:30-7:15am
-your precious, our first born, our baby girl and we are growing in love each and every day for you. May you see Jesus in us and may He soften you heart so you see your need of Him in yours.

Love, Daddy and Momma

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Robin Muse said...

SOOOOOO SWEET!!! Katie, you are beautiful!!

Jae Davis said...

Thank you SO MUCH for this post, Gi and Justin. We have never met Katie, but it is such a blessing to us for you to share her character with us. She is beautiful inside and out.

Krista said...

Gi, she is stunning. What a precious little gift. . . and I love her hair style too!