Friday, November 6, 2009

katie says...

K, looking very serious-"Momma, I could help you, but I am to busy."

Me-"To busy doing what?"

K with large eyes intently telling me-"To busy being with my babies."

Not sure why she was "with her babies" because this was while she was eating lunch...

Byt do you think she has heard something like this while I am helping Owen?

We have a parrot mimicking everything these days!

1 comment:

Krista said...

So sweet! And oh, so true. Lydia is very into her babies right now too - she has 3 (don't know where that came from): Luke, James, and Lauren. What a good reminder, though, that we have little eyes watching everything we do and listening to everything we say. Oh that we would be godly examples for them to emulate!!