Saturday, April 2, 2011

$225.25 at the garage sale

photo credits

Today Katie and I decided to hit up some local garage sales. Justin took Owen to get some stuff for the yard.

This story details the find Katie and I found!

We started off pursuing a few sales, not much stood out. But it was fun to be out on a sunny day with just us girls. :)

We found one of these for $0.25 and were excited.
We kept driving around scanning the deals, but didn't find much.

Then we decided to try one last sale on our way out of the neighborhood and found one of these-a metal drain on the curb. Katie said I wasn't paying attention...but I WAS.
Next we barely hit the corner with our tire and SLICED the tire pretty much like this :( It went flat immediately.
Our big find? You guessed it....a new tire for our HL. Our garage sale finds that started off well, ended pretty expensive. Justin wasn't to happy about my mistake-me either, but he came to help us and we got it to the tire store. (though two other guys offered to help and then one Hispanic man with his wife and baby just came and started to help even though I told him my husband was coming. I actually thought it was super nice that he actually helped and not just asked if I needed help. :)

I am thankful that we had the finances for a new tire, though it was NOT what I was expecting to spend it on...considering we started our garage sale with a few dollars and a list for some sand toys and play clothes for K and O. Also thankful that we laughed about it later on today-thankful for grace in mistakes.
Final cost for new tire...$225.00-whew! I'll be going around corners way FAR away from the curb from now on. And for you readers....STAY AWAY from metal drains on curbs, you never know when they might slice your lovely tire.

On a good note...we found some sand box toys for free!

1 comment:

Joy said...

bummer! when we were in the States, we found that Sam's Club has pretty inexpensive tires in the off chance you would need another. great deal on the snack traps!