Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Katie and Bunny

The days of naps are few and far between. It's not that Katie doesn't like naps, is that they throw off her nighttime schedule in HUGE she will be awake in the middle of the night for HOURS=NO FUN. So I snapped this photo because it was incredibly precious to me. I let her sleep to catch up on some lost Zzzzz's from being sick (bronchitis type stuff) this past weekend. She is zonked out. I LOVE that she cuddles with Bunny the Mouse. I used to cuddle with a bunny too *sigh* and then a bear in High School from my handsome husband. :)
Sweet dreams big girl!

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1 comment:

Joy said...

ah! this is ADORABLE. she is so amazingly cute. soak up these days, what a blessing to be a stay-at-home mom to capture such precious moments.