Thursday, April 25, 2013


A New Book Post!

I have this heart desire to live life with other women, to be around what the Bible describes as the Titus 2 Woman, being taught and trained by those that are older and then hopefully getting the chance to do that with ladies younger then me.  Though many of my friends are here, others are not around Raleigh. But books are a great way to connect near and far and glean from one another, insert Desperate.

Desperate is about lots of things within Motherhood, but a few things that caught my attention:
 their call to tune out all the voices that mothers hear and ask Jesus to hear His voice alone. Spend time with Him in his word.  Pray over everything and be desperate for him, He Does Hear You!  Don't do this rewarding yet difficult work alone.  And have the freedom to be who God made you to be and not to fit your family into another mold.  

"Hold fast, put away unnecessary guilt, and pursue ideals, and you will find the blessings He always wanted you to have." ~Sally Clarkson pg 166

"Remember the consequences of mothering well are truly great.  You have this opportunity to ingrain love, righteousness, and faith into the very depths of your children's souls.  Such potential influence is in your hands.  God's Spirit will give wind to your wings and He will bless you as you embrace these ideals for His glory." ~Sally Clarkson pg 118

What better way to get the conversation rolling about motherhood then this book Desperate by Sarah Mae and Sally Clarkson!  I have posted about books in the past and each one of those has challenged me, refreshed me, refined my walk with Jesus and given me some of these Titus 2 moments within.  
And I'd like to do that for you too, if you would like.  I'd love to buy this book for you and 
send it to you.

Just leave a comment and on it way it will be. :)

For those that read our blog, thanks.  Thanks for living life with us, even it is via photos and writings on The Hime Times.  


Metlife said...

I will send you some of my thoughts on the books from what I have read so far. I am really enjoying it. LOVE getting to keep in contact with you through the blog. I have no doubt that if I were still in NC I would be gleaning even more from you. Gi, you really do stand out to me as being a WONDERFUL mom.

Beth McKenzie said...

Can I borrow your copy for the beach week?

the carlson's said...

What did you think of this book? I'm getting ready to go on vacation, and I was looking for something to read on the plane. Can you believe we've been married 10 yrs and we are headed on a trip as a couple? It's been 5 yrs since we've had an overnight without kids together! Sad to leave my kids but very happy knowing their grandparents will take good care of them!!