Hi all,
I wanted to write about this wonderful "Gripe Water", it really is a great thing to have on hand for babies or adults. It is a "natural water" that is given to calm babies helping them digest things better. About two weeks ago I started to notice that Katie, during feeding was so fussy. She would come off while nursing, throw her head back, scrunch up her pretty face-cry, then go back to nursing with a
vengeance that was so strong! Justin and I talked to a few people and with some council decided that she may be starting to have colic. We looked online and there was a bunch of recommendations for this as a natural help to babies with colic. I started to give her this a few times a day and she didn't/doesn't seem to mind taking it, which is a blessing. It has ginger, fennel and sodium are to help her digest and process things through her little tummy. And chamomile is also an ingredient which works to calm her. I would recommend this to anyone that wants help with a fussy baby. I bought this from Whole Foods, though you can also purchase this online. It was about $10 and will last about 6 weeks. *If you were to research this online you will also notice that this is used frequently in Europe and over there it is common to have in the medicine closet!
The most interesting thing about her fussiness is that we don't think it is really colic that she has. I am still giving her a dose of "Gripe Water" to help her process things...it is completely natural, so I am not worried about it hurting her...we found out that what is really going on is that she has a dairy allergy! It is just wrecking her tummy when I eat dairy and then pass it through nursing. So therefore I have stopped eating all dairy. And if you know me, I love dairy! But as for now to help out our little one, no dairy for me. I have been off dairy for about 10 days now and she is almost back to her cute little self. She doesn't throw herself around in pain, is almost sleeping without waking herself
because of tummy contractions, and she is still smiling through it all. We love her smile!