Sunday, June 24, 2007

A Big Day Out!

Yesterday, (Sat. 23rd) we all went out to the State Farmer's Market. This was Katie's second big outing (the first was a visit to Homewood Nursery-we wanted to get some plants for Gi/mommy), and she had a great time. In fact, Gi and I were sharing a smoothie together last night and discussing that we thought that it was her best day so far-which is a lot of fun! We traveled to Whole Foods for lunch, stopped to see Ms. Anna, and then made our way home for a relaxing evening. She has really grown a lot over the past couple of weeks and is already 1 month old. We are enjoying our time together and still learning a great deal...both she and us. We were told once, that when you come to Christ you die your first death to self, when you get married you die your second, and when you have children you die a third death...each subsequent one is more difficult as it necessitates greater selflessness, but each one is also a greater blessing.

p.s.-Gi also wanted me to include a note of thanks to Leah for the great sling, as it came in very handy during our walk around the market.
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1 comment:

Krista said...

Carrying Lydia in a sling was so amazing. I cherish every memory of that and can't imagine carrying a baby any other way. There's nothing more wonderful than looking down and seeing your baby sleeping so peacefully on you.

Leah - thanks for introducing us to slings!