Monday, September 24, 2007

And we are off to the Mountains!!

We decided to take our first family vacation to the mountains this weekend! We took Katie to the apple orchard and stayed at our very favorite B & B-The Inn Around The Corner. Katie did very well, with a few fussy spells. She thoroughly enjoyed seeing all the other kids and being in the cooler weather. If you can tell the shirt that she is wearing says..."I love apple trees". Below are a few of the pictures that we took, enjoy! (still borrowing the internet...)

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Krista said...

These pictures are SO sweet! I remember you talking about going to the mountains for apple picking the last couple years. Now, how much fun is it to have your precious baby with you?!

Jae Davis said...

Justin and Gi,

Family vacations are so much fun. You have memories to cherish and remember long after the vacation is over. I still remember almost every detail of Madalynn's first vacation to Table Rock Lake in Missouri!

Love Ya!