Monday, October 1, 2007

Happy BELATED birthday Missy!

Happy Birthday to Brandi, who turned 24 on Sept 6th! I did not forget to blog about her, I just couldn't without internet connections!
So here it is...Brandi is a fantastic sister in law, Justin's youngest sister. She is heading out in October to manage an area of copper mountain CO! She is one of those cool skiers that could take me out if I ever tried to compete with her. I know that she will do a wonderful job out there. Last year she lived out there and it was so much fun to get calls from her and to hear about what the Lord was doing in her life. She also has a golden retreiver named Laney and is super fun with lots of energy, and she was learning how to knit!! Way to go Brandi!
Missy, we love you and hope that we get to hear more from you as your life settles down in CO. We know that being back in KS has been busy these last few weeks as you have tried to see everybody and pack to move. But maybe we can also see you in November???? That would be fantastic!
Love you lots!!!!!!!!!!! Justin, Gi, Katie

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