Friday, October 26, 2007

I should have listened...

Justin has been telling me that Katie will spit up on me one of these days while I am flying her in the air like an airplane. Stubborn as I am I just kept doing it to show him wrong. Well, my pride caught up with me a few mornings ago. Justin just happened to have the camera right beside him and caught it forever in a picture. Yes, it was disgusting! It was all down Katie, my sweatshirt, my hair, wood floor and carpet...Maybe I should have listened to Justin! But if I had listened he wouldn't have been able to have a big laugh! :)
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1 comment:

Allison said...

Haaaa! That is so disgusting! But so funny! I have had spit up in my hair many times! It's just part of being a mommy--airplanes and all.