Tuesday, October 30, 2007

A book blog update!

Hey all!
There are 8 women reading the book, Heaven at Home!! Yeah! The women are located from Egypt, to Kansas, to Missouri, to NC and finally Louisana (did I miss anyone?)~!
I am so excited to hear their thoughts on the book. Keep those thoughts coming girlfriends!

I know that we have heard from Krista about a few things that she liked and that challenged her...here are a few things I underlined in my copy of the book. These are Ginger Plowman's words, not mine. :)

Delighting in who you are
The woman sets the ambiance of the home.
The fregrance of her joyful presence is a tantalizing aroma that scents the home more sweetly than a fresh-cut bouquet of magnolias.
She depends on Christ to enable her.
She is nothing without the atoning grace of God.
True beauty radiates from a woman who gracefully walks the path designed uniquely for her.

Being a beautiful Bride of Christ

It's not about us; it's about God.
(when busy...have Bibles placed throughout your home/car/purse so as you go about your day...) A little snacking can prevent starvation as you wait for an opportunities to feast (on God's word).

Being a great wife

Disorder and chaos wears a man down.
It does take a willing women to keep her priorities in order.
Prepare for your husbands arrival!
Allow him time to rest his mind and body before you approach him with heavy topics.
Little things mean a lot...a little effort can go a long way. (favorite food, lighted candle, note in lunch)
Study your husband, what does he notice and make positive comments about...what does he complain about...ask him what would make his home life more fulfilling.
As loving wives, by God's grace, we can prepare a "refuge" at home.

Being a great mom
It is my calling, my priority, my struggle, and my goal. I will rise to the occasion and accept the task at hand. I will love, nurture and train my children in the way that God has called me to do.
It's molding character, building confidence, nuturing, training, guiding. There is no calling as consuming, challenging, and rewarding. And there is no calling as worthy of our efforts as the high calling of motherhood.
Talking about Jesus should be a natural part of everyday conversation with your children.
Let them witness how the hope of the gospel motivates you to cling to Christ.
...point them to the giver of joy.
...point them to the redemption and hope of Jesus.
Find out what warms the heart of your child and makes home special for him. Then offer those as a gesture of love.
Listen intently to their hopes, fears, dreams, and concerns.

Cultivating Unity in Marriage
As we strive to be unified through an unselfish effort to meet the needs and desires of one another, we are transformed into His likeness.
Unity is acquired through viewing ourselves and others through the lens of the gospel.
Christ has called wives to serve their husbands no matter how unworthy they may be.
Date your mate! Don't let the sizzle fizzle...don't let money keep you from dating-(even walking hand in hand can sizzle...)

In conclusion...I have copied a lot from the book. Anything in ( ) is added by me, or at least reworded by me. This book really is a great challenge to love being a woman, wife and mommy. Hope you enjoyed, I have!

It's a beautiful fall day here in NC...don't you just love the anticipation of the holidays!
Love to all!


the carlson's said...

Well, I am reading it too Gi... I love your synopsis's about the book. You nailed each of the chapters on the button. Hope that you are doing good!


Michelle said...

I asked Andy what would make his home life more fulfilling, and he said, "I don't know...what are the choices?" LOL..I said, "there aren't choices it's supposed to be something you think of!"

He's so funny! I love the laughter in our home!


Hollie Carson said...

Thanks for sharing Gi! Loved all of that. I needed to be reminded of well...pretty much all of that. ha! Hope you're well. We have GOT to get together girl. Email me a good time for you!