Monday, February 4, 2008

Here it is, our new country home!

Here is our new house! We bought a house in Youngsville, which is about 20 minutes North of Raleigh, or 10 minutes north of Wake Forest. It is a brand new house, three bedrooms, two baths, 3/4 of a acre and in a culd-de-sac. And on top of that since it is new, it is empty and we can move from one house to the other without any issues! We are thrilled about what the Lord has given us! We would love ANYONE and EVERYONE to come to NC and stay with us! Or at least come and we will cook you dinner if you already live close by! Isn't the Lord SO GOOD?

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Unknown said...

Wow, Gi, it looks awesome!! Congrats to you all - I hope you enjoy every minute of it. And Youngsville is a GREAT place to be. You are definitely surrounded by a lot of great families that can encourage you and Justin along. Praise the Lord!!


Jackie said...

Congrats! I wish we lived closer so I could come see it. I have one question- will you be taking the swirly green counter tops with you? I know you can't live without them :)

Hollie Carson said...

ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How fun! I'm so excited to come and see your new place JUST DOWN THE ROAD! i had no idea I'd be coming to visit you in Youngsville. I 'm so sorry that we had to cancel this week. Laney feels SOOO much better and boy am I thankful. I think next week is our ticket to getting together. Let's pray that Katie doesn't catch anything now.