Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Sleep is a good thing.

I am going to in the next few days get my act together and blog about the roller coaster ride Katie is on when it comes to getting enough sleep. It has been two years of ups and downs that can be extreme. I want to journal about this so that my heart is right for our next little guy. He could be the same way and I want my attitude to be inline with the Lords!


Brandy Seago said...

I can't believe how big Katie is! I watched the whole birthday video and almost cried because of how old, beautiful, and smart she is!
I miss you guys!

Jae Davis said...

Jillian's sleeping woes have kind of remedied themselves in the past 6 months, but she still wakes up some nights just very upset for no apparent reason. I go in, take her potty, hold her, console her and put her back down. Then, just as abruptly as it started, she goes back to sleep! Still a mystery to me?? :)