Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Two Katie stories

Katie at 24 months is a parrot these days, repeating EVERYTHING that we say. It humble us parents knowing we need to diligently watch what we are saying! :)

Momma-"Tell Daddy love you and bye bye" as Justin left for work the other morning.

Katie-"Love you babe. Love you babe." as she ran down the driveway.

And the other night...

Daddy-"Tell Momma you love her." As I was leaving so Justin could read her a few books and put her down for the night.

Katie-"Love you babe. Love you babe."

I guess we use babe sometimes! I would not have thought that at all.

Katie is also learning how to pray and ask the Lord for things she needs or wants. We want her to look to God for her provider in life.

Katie-"Momma, outside to play?"

Momma-"Katie it is raining. I can't stop the rain. You can pray and ask if God would stop the rain so we can go outside and play."

Katie-"Okay God, two minutes? two minutes."

She wanted to give God two minutes to stop the rain! I guess this as well shows that we give her time frames on things. Now she has time frames on God!

1 comment:

the carlson's said...

Oh my...that is adorable! The 2 year old phase...how fun!