Thursday, July 16, 2009

A birthday date

My birthday day...hours at the beach, resting on the couch to read, walking around Amelia Plantation, getting homemade ice cream and then a date with my love. Nothing beats a day like that!

Thanks Anna (and Joey :) for babysitting! Thankfully Katie had NO problem with us leaving and her staying to play with her friends. She even fell asleep with Kevin, who is Anna's teddy bear. So Sweet!

Our date was to Cafe Karibo and it was SO Yummy! Our appetizer was crab and cheese dip then Justin had a veggie stack and I had delicious crab cakes for our main dish. I so wanted dessert, but I couldn't have eaten one bit of the thick chocolate fudge cake that was on the counter. Finally walked around the cute downtown talking and just spent time being together.

It was a great 31st birthday.

This is my first posted prego photo. I have been on track with this little guy exactly as I was with Katie-weight and carrying low. I am 26 weeks along. Precious times with our second miracle!

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1 comment:

the carlson's said...

Gi, you look beautiful pregnant! I bet you had lots of fun! We went to the beach this summer too..isn't it fun to get away from everything and just be with family?