Tuesday, July 7, 2009

To My Friend Laney


Katie and Laney have now played together for a bit over a year. WOW, I am so thankful for Hollie that she decided to embark on this adventure of watching each others kids on a weekly basis. It has refreshed my soul, both with Laney over here and when Katie is over there. The best part is that everytime they play it is a hoot-tons of giggling and smiles. We are so blessed to have the Carson's in our lives and want them to know that they are very special friends. These two can have fun in just about any way. Swinging, swimming, jumping, eating...

Laney, I know you are a great friend to KK because now Katie wants to go to your house anytime we drive by the blinking light at 96 and tells me that I should go and do errands. "Come back later, Momma." She doesn't want my playing she wants your sweet fun. You are a a great friend!

Hollie, Hugh, Dasiy, baby and Laney--thanks for loving on our little girl!
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1 comment:

Marisa and Nathan said...

These two sure look like good buddies! What a blessing to have another little friend!

And I'd love to hear more about how you and Hollie set up watching each other's kids on a weekly basis??? Inquiring minds want to know - how does it work, how long does it last in the day, and what do you do with your free time?!?! :)