Thursday, August 20, 2009

A date with Momma


Justin and I have committed to taking our kids on dates throughout the years. Yesterday was my turn and Katie and I went to all her favorite places (minus the pet store :).

We did some grocery shopping in a little cart ending with a free balloon. *See the little pink ball in the cart? That was an extra special treat...$0.50 at Harris Tetter, end of the summer deal!

We went to the park to play with the ball, sliding, climbing and riding the rocking lion.

We got new books from the library, and received a "deleting of our book fines" because I filled out a survey. I am determined to have no more fines since I received this free break!

We split a wild berry smoothie at Wake Forest Coffee Company and read our new books.

We went home for lunch, peanut butter and banana sandwiches.

What a morning!

Love you Katie! Love, your Momma
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Krista said...

How fun. Wow, Katie is growing up SO fast. Love your blog!!

Jae Davis said...

You have book fines, too? LOL :) Seriously, though, how fun! Katie will be forever blessed by the alone time she gets with either of you. Some of the most impactful moments of my childhood were during one-on-one times with my mom and dad or gandpa and grandma.