Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Jayhawks are Number 1, The Hawks are Number 1.

Dear Granpa Hime,
Thank you for the sweet Hawks sleeper! I am rooting for KU and hope they stay at number one! Rock-Chalk-Jayhawk. Daddy says they are pretty good. Granpa, hopefully you can see that I am a healthy growing boy with my double chin and my round figure. And I can't wait to see you soon. :)
Love, Owen Bradley
PS I know that my mom and dad graduated from KSU and that they are doing well too for basketball, but Aunt Pie, Uncle Dustin, Uncle Tommy, Ms. Julie, and all of mommy and daddy's friends... It's hard at my age to support a team without an article of clothing. So instead, here is my cheer...Go CATS!!!

Katie helped me say, we root for the cats too!
I was going through some clothes of Katie's and putting away the stuff that was to small. Katie was SURE that this still fit...and as you can tell it is a bit on the small side. :) It is 24 months size (she currently wears mostly 4T), but she did manage to put herself into it and dance around saying, "it fits, it fits, it fits, yay, yay, yay".
And I can tell, as she grows up we will definitely have a talk about wearing things that show off her belly! :) But I love her desire to be positive!

1 comment:

Dustin, Jessa, Paxton said...

Be looking for a package in the mail VERY soon with some purple. THis is a disgrace and I cannot believe that you allow your children to be subjected to such horrible things as the unspeakable (Jayhawks)!

Aunt Pie and Uncle Dustin