Saturday, February 27, 2010

Katie at 2.9

Katie at 2 years and 9 months.
WOW! We love this big girl!
she is--
creative, energetic, tries very hard to be obedient, fun loving, great at answering and asking questions, is super in to pretending, loves her brother and baby dolls, will cook with me and do a few chores. Has more words than I can count and uses them every minute of every day. She sleeps from about 7:30-6:30 with one 1.5 hour nap a day. Her favorite places to go are the museums followed by her friends houses, (Laney, Catie Beth, Olivia, McKenzie boys..) she is either repeating everything she sees or everything we say. We now have to help her pick out her outfits as she is slowly wanting to dress herself. She gets her hair blown dry to keep it not look "crazy". She loves to eat about anything and is thankfully not picky. Her favorites are Granola Butter (bars)-both of these are car snacks and special treats-cheddar bunnies, yogurt, juicyies, salami and cheese, salad, cinnamon/honey/butter bread, eggs, molasses milk, grapefruit, dark chocolate, kombucha, and I am sure more. She is not that interested in staying put to long. Even for reading which she enjoys it doesn't hold her attention like her baby dolls and taking care of them. She still grits her teeth when she is concentrating hard or is frustrated. And she is always saying "I love you"-which is our favorite part of the day. She isn't much of a snuggler or cuddler, but she gives the best hugs and knuckles. She loves to sing, Come thou Fount and In Christ Alone, plus many VeggieTale silly songs. And though she enjoys (a lot) a video either on the computer or TV, she knows they are special treats and does a great job at playing and being creative on her own. She is FULL of passion~!
She is growing up quickly and she says, "God is growing me up!"
We love you KGH
your momma, daddy and Owen




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Dustin, Jessa, Paxton said...

We love you big girl! We cannot WAIT to see you hopefully SO SO soon.

Uncle Dustin and Aunt Pie

Robin Muse said...

These pictures are awesome, Gippers!!!!!