Thursday, August 26, 2010
Technology problems
So we don't have Internet until sept 7th! Until then we are getting moved in and are loving being back in town. More later.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Its raining humidity
All these photos are before the water came on from the hose...our kids have Justin's genes for lots of sweat (FYI, justin when working outside can ring out sweat from his shirts-three and four times-yuck and amazing)...though lately I have to say I have joined right in...August has had some drenching humidy. But enjoying the refreshing water, yet looking forward to those Sept/Oct days.
"A How to" play with the stuff Momma is packing
Jump in the suitcase of your sister
Make plans to dump it all out together
Climb the clothing mountain
find all the jewelry and show mommy how pretty you are

Ask, "Can I climb the hill of boxes in the living room?"-absolutely no!
Ask, "Can I climb the hill of boxes in the living room?"-absolutely no!
Hid in boxes, making your brother stay with you even if he doesn't want to.
yell, "find me Momma"
Peek a boo!
Monday, August 16, 2010
journaling-It's official....
We are moving on Wednesday! I wanted to blog something like "55 things I love/dislike Serenity Ln." But alas right now I just don't have here are a few!
55 Serenity've been a great house. One that has taught us tons and was a haven for us for a season. What a blessing!
Now on to our new home on Dawnshire rd! Can't Can't Can't wait!
love the open space of the 40 acres
love the garage
loved having peeps live with us-7 precious girls and 2 families
love the openness of the floor plan
love that the home is a ranch
love the concrete drive for playtime
love the covered deck
love the large closets
love the sink in the laundry room
love the kitchen island
love that there is an official "play area" inside for the kiddos
love that the computer is in the kitchen area
loved that we had it painted before we moved in
loved that the carpets were cleaned before we moved in
loved that it was a rental
loved that the family we rented from was generous with the farm basement apt
love the close line on the back porch
love watching the parachutists
love seeing the weather/sunsets/sunrises
love the memories
love that we sold a lot of our furniture and don't have to move it
love that Jesus refined us SO SO much while we were out here
love that Jesus was faithful to put us out here when we had no place else to go when our other house fell through 2.5 years ago.
love that our friends now can enjoy the place and be blessed by it so it won't sit empty again
lots of things to love!
a few dislikes
disliked the long drive for Justin each day
disliked not being close to a coffee shop-but Justin's coffee is better anyway :)
disliked the amount of time it took Justin to care for both homes, ie mowing etc
disliked that our cell service didn't work-though At & t is great now
disliked, as silly as it is, there is a lot of wall space in this house so I had a difficult time decorating the walls-silly I know.
disliked that the house sat empty before we moved out here so we need to get the vents/ducts cleaned often for potential mold/grim stuff
disliked that there wasn't a good grocery store in Louisburg, but super walmart now is built-that's been great
disliked that the hospital we needed for Justin and baby delivery was a poke-but glad that folks like with us that could help out!
the dislikes were way fewer then the plethora of loves!
love the garage
loved having peeps live with us-7 precious girls and 2 families
love the openness of the floor plan
love that the home is a ranch
love the concrete drive for playtime
love the covered deck
love the large closets
love the sink in the laundry room
love the kitchen island
love that there is an official "play area" inside for the kiddos
love that the computer is in the kitchen area
loved that we had it painted before we moved in
loved that the carpets were cleaned before we moved in
loved that it was a rental
loved that the family we rented from was generous with the farm basement apt
love the close line on the back porch
love watching the parachutists
love seeing the weather/sunsets/sunrises
love the memories
love that we sold a lot of our furniture and don't have to move it
love that Jesus refined us SO SO much while we were out here
love that Jesus was faithful to put us out here when we had no place else to go when our other house fell through 2.5 years ago.
love that our friends now can enjoy the place and be blessed by it so it won't sit empty again
lots of things to love!
a few dislikes
disliked the long drive for Justin each day
disliked not being close to a coffee shop-but Justin's coffee is better anyway :)
disliked the amount of time it took Justin to care for both homes, ie mowing etc
disliked that our cell service didn't work-though At & t is great now
disliked, as silly as it is, there is a lot of wall space in this house so I had a difficult time decorating the walls-silly I know.
disliked that the house sat empty before we moved out here so we need to get the vents/ducts cleaned often for potential mold/grim stuff
disliked that there wasn't a good grocery store in Louisburg, but super walmart now is built-that's been great
disliked that the hospital we needed for Justin and baby delivery was a poke-but glad that folks like with us that could help out!
the dislikes were way fewer then the plethora of loves!
55 Serenity've been a great house. One that has taught us tons and was a haven for us for a season. What a blessing!
Now on to our new home on Dawnshire rd! Can't Can't Can't wait!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
Journaling-this is fascinating!
Taken from The Atlantic Wire
I am really interested in reading this article...anyone wanting to dialog about this topic? Fascinating (that word is for you Katie M :) all the implications this has on our world.
The End of Men
Earlier this year, women became the majority of the workforce for the first time in U.S. history. Most managers are now women too. And for every two men who get a college degree this year, three women will do the same. For years, women’s progress has been cast as a struggle for equality. But what if equality isn’t the end point? What if modern, postindustrial society is simply better suited to women? A report on the unprecedented role reversal now under way— and its vast cultural consequences
Earlier this year, women became the majority of the workforce for the first time in U.S. history. Most managers are now women too. And for every two men who get a college degree this year, three women will do the same. For years, women’s progress has been cast as a struggle for equality. But what if equality isn’t the end point? What if modern, postindustrial society is simply better suited to women? A report on the unprecedented role reversal now under way— and its vast cultural consequences
I am really interested in reading this article...anyone wanting to dialog about this topic? Fascinating (that word is for you Katie M :) all the implications this has on our world.
Journaling-CraigsListing and garage saleing
We have sold most of our furniture and there have been so many stories about the folks we are meeting while on CL.
This specific photo was taken while we were waiting at a post office on a Sunday in downtown Raleigh before church to sell our "in good shape but not needed" VCR. We waited for Ms. Clair who pulls up in her car dressed in her Sunday white dress. She pays me the $7 and says she will email me if it doesn't work. :) She also proceeds to tell me about her other CL purchases that haven't gone well.
Then there is the lady who bought Katie's dresser and she lives in the house behind the Benson's property who Justin knows. Small world.
How about the foreign guys that tied the futon and frame on top of their small small car then drove down the highway going probaby 20 miles an hour so it wouldn't fly off.
Or the folks that bought our dining room table and drove 1.5 hours to get it, bringing with them a rented UHaul so they would have enough room. And they were at our house in 2 hours flat from my post to their pick up
There was the guy we met in Aldi's parking lot that wanted our electronic for parts.
Then there is the man that desperately needed an XL twin mattress and has emailed me to say, "thanks a zillion, I love the mattress".
Or there are those people that say they will be there and we set up everthing and they never show.
Oh yea, and the scammers...don't like them!
Finally there is the garage sale folks-they want rock bottom prices and for the most part I just wanted to get rid of it, so almost any price they said I responded with a yes! I had a lot of our stuff priced at $1.00 and $0.25 But when a lady asked how much my clean bath rugs were, I said $2.00 and then she countered at $.25 for each. I said I would meet her in the middle at $1.00. She walked away...she only wanted to pay $0.25. I was amazed. But then I sold them for the $2.00 an hour later. :)
I guess all this is to say that when selling on CL you get to meet a lot of people. I have thought lately how I might use it for the Gospel, but nothing really has come to me. So until then I plan on trying to make some money for a new rug and couch as well as give people a blessing with our stuff becuase so much was a blessing to us.
A new pal
Here is our new friend, Issac Metcalf. I am sure you can tell who is in charge. :) But Katie is doing a great job giving Issac the lowdown on living here.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Owen at 10 months
Our little one is growing up fast....he is fast on the move-walking almost more then crawling. Owen you are a treasure! Love you little hops!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Ahhh...cold water!
Owen is fascinated with the hose. Of course it is freezing water from our well and he LOVES it!
Yummm.....that was a good drink.
chocolate orange juice
Katie helped herself to the Midnight Moo chocolate syrup. She added it to her orange juice. She said it was delicious. I have yet to try it.
Rocking the cradle
We are super excited to have the Metcalfs (Derick, Katie, Issac and Ann) with us in NC!
Meet Issac, aka Katie's date. :) I am a little worried though that Katie and Issac are all ready dating, hummmm.... I think it is a bit too early-plus Issac is only 2 and Katie is 3 years old...but their playtime in the truck, while we were loading stuff for the garage sale, each holding a stuffed animal was to cute to miss!
*thanks, Katie, for letting me steal this!
Meet Issac, aka Katie's date. :) I am a little worried though that Katie and Issac are all ready dating, hummmm.... I think it is a bit too early-plus Issac is only 2 and Katie is 3 years old...but their playtime in the truck, while we were loading stuff for the garage sale, each holding a stuffed animal was to cute to miss!
*thanks, Katie, for letting me steal this!
Two years of a best friend.
It all started out when they were around 14 and 20 months-a friendship was formed.

Lots of walks were included in these two years.
Lots of comparing of important things like belly buttons, books, princesses, swimsuits...
It's been a good two and a half years. If I could sum up their play time it would be that they became "sisters". And I know the Carson's prayer like ours, is that someday soon these two would really because sisters in Jesus. That their friendship would not end, but continue while they worship Jesus together.
I am a bit teary eyed looking at all these photos. We certainly hope to make it to SC to see Laney and Mattie (Hollie, Hugh and Daisy too) someday. We hope they come up sometime soon and visit too. We love you Laney "Doodlebug" Carson!
Friday, August 6, 2010
Journaling-things that are worth it, my two favorite "T" 's
If I could I would go through the alphabet and list all my favorite things organized by the ABC's. But right now at this stage of life I don't have the time. So I think I just might post them when I think of them!
Right now these two places are dear to my heart. One because of the Gospel (most important) is preached there everyday and real broken people live it out with you in community. And in second place is because I love almost everything there I can buy-nutrition is high on my list. It is food that doesn't have many preservatives, high fructose corn syrup, chemicals, etc (-meaning they sell real food here) and the staff there is exceptional. They actually seem like they enjoy working at a grocery store!
Right now these two places are dear to my heart. One because of the Gospel (most important) is preached there everyday and real broken people live it out with you in community. And in second place is because I love almost everything there I can buy-nutrition is high on my list. It is food that doesn't have many preservatives, high fructose corn syrup, chemicals, etc (-meaning they sell real food here) and the staff there is exceptional. They actually seem like they enjoy working at a grocery store!

First "T"-Treasuring Christ Church. We will be members there shortly and can't wait to plug in into the community. We have enjoyed the preaching by Sean and it has challenged me (I am sure Justin too) many times throughout the week. It is an added bonus that we already have some super duper friends there too! TCC is located in downtown Raleigh and has been worth the drive even from here. And Sean has just started a new series over 2 Timothy. It is definitely worth the time to listen. Check it out, listen and be encouraged! *
Here is their vision.
TREASURING CHRIST CHURCH will seek to glorify God in Christ by...
1. ...leading people to treasure Jesus Christ by faith,
2. ...deepening the maturity and covenantal community of the church,
3. ...pursuing racial harmony,
4. ...ministering to the poor,
5. ...planting and reforming churches among all peoples.
(*special thanks to Anna for encouraging us to make the drive down to TCC from here!)

Second "T" -Trader Joes! This also is worth the drive down to 440! It takes a while to get to know their products because most of their stuff is their own label, but it! Here are a few of my favorites- Dark chocolate, hummus, pot-stickers, pesto chicken, flowers, peanut butter, dried fruit, olive oil, blue corn chips, salsas, chicken sausages, hot-dogs, goat cheeses, raw cheeses, peanut butter pretzels, fresh produce, other things I can't remember since there is so much and finally their stickers for kids and kid shopping buggies. Katie loves these and that makes shopping better for this Momma!1. ...leading people to treasure Jesus Christ by faith,
2. ...deepening the maturity and covenantal community of the church,
3. ...pursuing racial harmony,
4. ...ministering to the poor,
5. ...planting and reforming churches among all peoples.
(*special thanks to Anna for encouraging us to make the drive down to TCC from here!)

There you have it, my two, current favorite, "T"'s!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
This came down the hall...
Katie was supposed to be having rest time on her bed. She wasn't supposed to leave her room. I was standing at our island in the kitchen cutting up potatoes for dinner and when out of the corner of my eye I spotted something moving towards me. She was completely silent and slowing making her way down the hall-inch by inch. She didn't even peek out. I was DYING inside laughing, it was adorable. And then I couldn't discipline her for getting up like I told her I would, because she said from under the blanket, "Momma, you can't see me, you can't see me." She of course thought if I can't see her, she can't get disciplined for not resting. I am amazed at how she is putting so much together these days. Kids are creative and amazing!
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