Thursday, August 5, 2010

This came down the hall...

Katie was supposed to be having rest time on her bed. She wasn't supposed to leave her room. I was standing at our island in the kitchen cutting up potatoes for dinner and when out of the corner of my eye I spotted something moving towards me. She was completely silent and slowing making her way down the hall-inch by inch. She didn't even peek out. I was DYING inside laughing, it was adorable. And then I couldn't discipline her for getting up like I told her I would, because she said from under the blanket, "Momma, you can't see me, you can't see me." She of course thought if I can't see her, she can't get disciplined for not resting. I am amazed at how she is putting so much together these days. Kids are creative and amazing!
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Joy said...

so funny!

Robin Muse said...

That is HILARIOUS, Gippers!!!!!