Friday, April 8, 2011

nothing is more discouraging then....and then I remember

a sink FULL of dishes!

Ever had those moments when the dish washer if full of clean dishes and the sink full of dirty ones-just from today's eating/cooking??

Yes, today was one of those days. I DO NOT LIKE dishes in my sink-it makes me feel as if my home is unkempt, dirty, untidy-even if the rest is clean! Just one of those things that gets me.

(but I won't judge you if you have dishes in your sink...after all mine was FULL today!)

And for the record I put away the clean dishes and just turned on the dishwasher full of dirty ones to be clean in about an hour. Whew...that chore is done....GLAD for a working dishwasher!

ps these moments make me miss 'our college girls' that would unselfishly do the dishes for me when I needed. Miss you girls-you have NO idea how much that ministered to me. :)

And then I remember this song and I choose to feel blessed and content in your plan for our home, even in the dishes!

by: Francesca Battistelli-This is the Stuff

1 comment:

Joy said...

I totally know that feeling... especially when we were in our first flat without a dishwasher- so thankful for one now. Usually if I have that many dishes to do, I will pop on a sermon or at least some worship music to force my mind to joyful in tasks that I prefer not to do- and most of the time, I come out more joyful than when I started!