Thursday, August 25, 2011

Breakfast ideas

(Photo credits to google and others)
The Standard-any day we don't have anything else and at least on Monday!
--Fried Eggs and Toast.
Two eggs for Justin and I and one for the kids with a piece of toast. Sometimes I have left over grilled potatoes and veggies which I reheat and add to the plate. Sometimes I have some (nitrate free) bacon or sausage from Trader Joes that I add. Yummmmmmm! And as always we add some good ketchup-without refined sugars and high fructose corn syrup...TJ's carries a good version.

Baked Oatmeal is made on Tuesdays and then left overs are reheated or eaten cold on Thursday. Check out the recipe in the blog archives. I've posted about this one before. Delicious.

Sometimes I make "English breakfasts" on Wednesdays. Egg in toast, topped with a slice of tomato, avocado, salt and pepper. (who knows if they really are English...I once had them in England where they always served a tomato on top...). And I always flip them over since we don't like really runny eggs. The kids definitely love this version.

Cereal every Friday. Cheerios or Rice Krispies!

Pancakes or Waffles on the weekend-with real maple syrup and butter...yummmmm

And finally a treat! Biscuits and gravy. I love this easy peasy recipe from Allrecipes. I do normally use soft wheat and not all purpose (and almond milk for the kids), but keep everything else the same. Justin Loves it! We have this once in a blue moon.

I've also tried to incorporate Madame Blueberries (baked french toast-recipe in the blog archives), Raspberry breakfast bars, breakfast wraps, eggs in a pita and cinnamon rolls when I am making bread-I love all these things too.

As I look over my list it seems as if I have a lot of ideas, but I am still looking for something else special to add to the breakfast routine. After all we think breakfast is SUPER important in getting our bodies started off right. Most studies show that with breakfast people perform better in all areas-physically, why wouldn't you?
You are fueling your body-break the fast!

*Food for thought--Eat Good Fats in the morning, they are used all. day. long. Don't skimp on good fat and protein. Most cereal is NOT helpful and should not be eaten just won't work. If I pay close attention to K and O...they are hungry for a snack SO much earlier on Fridays.

I also read one study lately that shows if one eats breakfast then they eat less lunch=because your body already has started working earlier and not playing 'keep up' at lunchtime.

Anywho....share any recipes you love, please!
Over and out blog buddies

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