Monday, August 29, 2011

Recovering from being sick

Katie did such a joyful job patiently helping Owen while he was sick with Strep. I know somedays she was by herself for a bit, but she didn't complain and so she got a treat too! Around here we do baths when sickness comes with a mixture of salts (sea, epson, baking soda and borax) to try and drawl down a fever and toxins out of the body. Honestly they are good anytime of the year, but when you're not feeling well they can be a welcomed treat.

Here Katie is having her foot bath to help her relax and be pampered. She grabbed her entire basket of books and sat reading for about 20 minutes. I have to say I was a bit jealous of her super soft feet afterwards!

And Owen as he recovered didn't want to miss out on the fun. He had had a bath earlier to sit and plan in, but the foot bath was to tempting to miss. I think he only lasted about 5 minutes. :)

But he did have the opportunity (while I was putting something away) to grab the paints out of the closet and 'paint' on the table. Seriously, even with strep and a fever this kid is fast!

Luckily that was all he painted-his face and table...both of which wash!

Then on Friday, Ms. Beth and the boys came and took Katie for the afternoon to the Science Museum. She was on cloud 9. The kids were supposed to spend the night with the McKenzies while we were at the B & B, but we are rescheduling because of our little guy. THANK YOU so much for taking Katie. She was thrilled! She also said that she got an icy treat BEFORE dinner with you guys and that it was the best treat ever. Thanks our friends, for loving on our big girl!

Owen, even though it was a hard 4 days we are thankful for our Dr., thankful that it was only strep and thankful that God has healed you.
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