Monday, August 8, 2011

Journaling-10 minutes

this is the last 10 minutes...

I started making wet wipes*I checked on Owen and Katie*I folded the dry clothes and started the washer*I went back to check on the wipes and start to pull them apart*I talked with Katie and Owen about the calculator*I answered the phone*I found the rest of the clothes that needed to be put in the washer and closed the lid*I called my mom to tell her a funny Katie story*I sat and watched Owen try to use the potty*I looked up the recipe for Cuban black beans*I pulled a few more wipes*I rinsed the black beans and put them back on the stove*I texted a friend a Bible Verse to look up*I talked with Owen about playing together in K's room*I came back and put the seasonings in the black beans*I emailed someone that I was supposed to email yesterday*I turned the black beans on to cook*I finally cleaned up the blender from making smoothies an hour ago*I checked on K and O playing and saw that K's room was a disaster*I finally pulled all the wet wipes apart that I was making...

I think I can honestly say that I have a focus problem of starting ONE thing and following through-oh the day of this Momma! :)

1 comment:

Joy said...

dude, story of my life! though... you know in just 18 years from now (or less) we will be wishing we were still checking on little ones and making wipes. praise be to God for this short season!