Monday, November 14, 2011

Go Dori Go!

Uncle Dorian has started his junior year of basketball at Colorado State University and we are super excited to hear how he does. We have been listening to the games from the online radio station and the kids check with Justin the next morning to see how he did.

A few days ago Katie and Owen were chanting, "Go Dori Go" around the house and the next thing I knew they came out dressed as 'cheerleaders'. Big sisters...dressing up their little brothers in their dress up clothes-I never did that. :) After a few minutes Owen came back out from Katie's room with the shorts on instead of the skirt. Better choice buddy! Of course Katie was dancing around and Owen was jumping up and down and marching all around the kitchen.

But we do LOVE to cheer for Uncle Drew and Uncle Dorian. We love you guys! And the excitement is building at our house to see everyone for the CSU/Duke game in December! We can't wait!

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