Saturday, October 27, 2012


What a neat blessing!  The kids and I got to go to Buckhead (north of Atlanta) and spend the part of a week there with Justin, who was at a NCF conference.  It was fun to be in the city, walking everywhere and just be together.  We also got the privilege of watching the hotel fish-it was a red beta named Buck.   Yes, it was a real fish! The kids watched it swim around and 'sleep'. They were thrilled to be allowed such a honor!  
And the Intercontinental hotel was great.  Clean room, nice staff, great workout room, pool-though it was a wee bit chilly :), live music to dance too and within easy walking distance to food, shopping and MARTA-the train.  Here are a few snapshots of our time while Justin was working.  Oh, we did get to eat at the buffet of the conference which was a huge blessing-easy and yummy-and we were able to attend the concert for Christy Nockles which was great fun!  

 games at the hotel
love the expressions of the kids!

 Dancing the night away

We walked around quite a bit and happened upon this art work.  Seven golden foxes-I am sure they were there for kids to ride, right?

                                                   Self timer...the kids thought I was hilarious.  :)
 Our view of Buckhead...such fun to watch the city come alive during the day.

 We watched a lot of construction, cars, helicopters, and motocycles zoom by.
 All in all, with 4 people in one room, it turned out well.  We'd do it again if only for the chance to travel with Daddy!

1 comment:

Metlife said...

That looks like a blast. Such a good pic with you and the kiddos!